Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Amazing swimming baby!

I can hardly believe this! It disturbed me a little, but what I found more disturbing was thinking about a baby that DIDN'T know this! What do you mommies out there think? Would you sign your baby up for this class?


  1. I've heard about this technique, but haven't tried it out for myself. Anything to keep the little ones safe is worth a try, right?

  2. I have never heard about this and almost started crying as I watched. Scary!

  3. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I've heard about this, but I don't know if I could do it...not sure it's really necessary.

  4. Oh my gosh! I've heard about it too, but never seen it in action! I have tried dunking Kaylie before, but it freaks her out, and makes me so upset... But I dunno, if I lived by someone who had a pool, I think I would do it for sure!

  5. My nieces took this class. They offer it at Dive Utah, in Holladay! The lessons are only 15 min long, probably because it such a high stress. Their Grandma paid for them to take the class because she has a pool at her house. I don't know if I would sign my own kids up someday, but I would have to say that they are both fantastic swimmers and have no fear of water.


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