Monday, December 22, 2014

Bonnie Rose- 4 months old

How did we get so lucky to have such a delightful child? She is our little gem. We love her so.

Her mellow personality is just what we needed.  She is quite attached to me- she goes almost everywhere with me. And she's so easygoing that I happily bring her along! I've taken her to two movies and she slept the whole time through both (in my arms and nursing, but I'll take it! I never did that with Charlie or George). She's also attended doTERRA convention and a weekend doTERRA training, and I'm planning two upcoming trips to California with her along as well.

Because she's almost always with me, I haven't been able to teach her to take a bottle or a pacifier. Which is only a problem when I absolutely have to leave her- like for the recent Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas concert. She did alright while I was gone, but it stressed me out to leave her. She's almost getting too old to be flexible and sleep anywhere, so I anticipate being more home bound for the next few months (except for my doTERRA commitments). I honestly don't mind it- it's a short season of life and I'm so grateful to have her.

She's laughing and smiling at the boys and us so much now. She's so cute and chubby and we all get a big kick out of trying to make her laugh or smile. The boys will sing her songs and play peek a boo and fake sneeze to get that laugh!

She's almost rolled over a couple of times. She doesn't get a lot of chance to practice except in her bed or on my bed. She's hardly ever on the floor just hanging out. Our house has too much hardwood and too many kids. :) I remember that with George, too, but he got it eventually. Charlie rolled over at 3 months- maybe because we lived at my parents and there was carpeting? Who knows?

She loves her hands and sucking on her fingers, fist and occasionally her thumb. It isn't super consistent in a way that makes me think she'll be a thumb sucker for sure. (Although my primary care doctor saw her calm herself down in her car seat with her hands and commented that she was good at self soothing.) It could go either way. I'll take it or leave it- there's definitely pros and cons to both. :)

Her hair is starting to grow in a little bit, although she still has an impressive bald patch on the back of her head. I think I'll miss it when it's gone because it's such a cute, newborn thing about her.

She loves to reach for toys and is getting better about holding onto them. She tries to get her feet in her mouth but isn't quite strong enough yet. She's changing and growing so much every day! It's going too fast!!

I've been sharing these photos of Bonnie's many Christmas outfits on Instagram and my friend Andrea came up with the hashtag #deckthatbonnie . So I've had even more fun dressing her up in her holiday finest to show her off. 

Proof of the finger sucking

The only acceptable version of "Santa Baby"

4 months old! 

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Bonnie 3 months old

Dislikes a poopie diaper, when mom blows her nose loudly, pacifiers, bottles, the car driving slowly.

Likes smiling at faces, cooing, her hands, her silly brothers, nursing, sleeping next to mom.

She is our sweet girl, burping machine, BonBon, Baby Sister, Rosie, buddy girl, Sis. 

Charlie and George love her a lot. George especially. He checks on her every hour, cries when I take her somewhere away from him, hugs her, kisses her, and brings her toys. If she's crying, Charlie tells me, "Milk her, Mom!" George will run to me and say, "Help her, Baby Sister!"

This past month she was given a blessing, got her immunizations, went to Mommy and Me yoga, took a bottle one time (there's hope!), had a few stints away from mom and did great, was a rainbow for Halloween, and charmed people wherever she went! 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Soccer disasters- fall 2014

Somehow, I thought it would be a good idea to sign the boys up for soccer. There were a couple of problems with this plan.
1- I had a newborn
2- they were on separate teams and both teams played twice a week, each on a different weeknight and then back to back on Saturday
3- John was often still at work when I had to take them to their games
4- They both didn't really want to play that much. George spent most of the game running away from the field chasing his friend, Sam Plumb, or doing somersaults, or sneaking the end-of-game treats early. Charlie wanted to explore the nearby river or climb the baseball bleachers.

It was a rough time. But we did have some laughs, at George's games especially because many of our friends had signed up as well (ironically, many of them with newborns, too. What were we thinking???) And Charlie did have some good moments on his team and I got to practice my skills of being his mom advocate without crossing the line to helicopter mom. I exchanged many, many emails with his coach (who bless his heart, is a volunteer parent after all!)

Cutest little soccer socks selfie by George

See that kid in the maroon jersey? Yup, that's George and that's Phil Plumb running after him. 

Can't help but admire that amazing rainbow, though?

We were a little damp at this point from the rain, but Bonnie conked out anyway.  

Three of the four new babes and new mamas- Jessica and Daniel, Whitney and Nathan, and me and Bonnie (all born just a few months apart). Not pictured, our fearless coach, Starr who ALSO had a newborn. What?!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

George is 3!

We love this sweet Georgie boy. On his actual birthday, we were still in the throes of Charlie's first week of kindergarten and all the emotions and logistics involved with that. So I was grateful that he's still young enough to be oblivious to the calendar. We celebrated the next day with doughnuts and a candle and later in the weekend with our families. George got just what any 3-year-old would want- a chance to sing "Happy Birthday" and blow out his candles over and over. (The only catch was that only he was allowed to sing.)

Since his birthday, he takes great pride in showing me how tall or strong or fast he is because, as he says, "I free-year-old!" 

A Day with Grandpa in the Canyon

While I was at the doTERRA convention, Grandpa Rick helped John with the boys. He decided an outing up Millcreek Canyon was the perfect activity for some busy boys on a hot day. And I think he was right. They loved it and spent the whole time jumping from rocks, playing in the stream and gathering rocks and sticks. I love being so close to the mountains. I love these adventurous boys. I love my father-in-law's love of nature and willingness to spend quality time with his grandchildren instilling that love as well. 

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Baby Bonnie, three weeks old

This is a dreamy, happy, cuddly, sweet baby. She has brought a peaceful joy into our home. We all love "Baby Sister" quite a lot.

-Everyone still calls her Baby Sister or Sister almost all the time. John and I call her Bonnie and Rosie (and Sweet Girl and Peanut). George likes to tell everyone her name is Bonnie. If you ask Charlie what her name is, he says with an impish grin, "Elsa" (from the extremely popular Disney movie Frozen.)

-She's given a couple of purposeful smiles already and I can't wait until that smile comes to stay! It's such a joy when babies start smiling at you! I'm pretty sure she has dimples, which is my personal favorite.

-She sleeps so SO well. I hope it sticks around when she's outgrown this sleepy newborn phase. At night, she usually sleeps from 10 pm to 7 am, nursing once or twice during the night. She likes to suck on her hands and we are experimenting with different levels of swaddling to help her sleep the best (one arm out? just one hand out? both hands in, but loosely swaddled? tightly swaddled? You'd think I'd have figured this out by my third kid, but no.)

-We have been a LOT of places, considering she's just a newborn. Part of it is that my recovery has gone so well and I have felt physically great! Part of it is that it's the last few days of summer and we want to be out and having fun! And a huge part of it is that the kids and I do much better when we get out of the house. I'm trying to be really careful of germs and people and also not overtire myself, but it's a hard balance to strike.

-She has already had two mild fevers (99 degrees). It makes me so sad! But such is the life with two older brothers. The first week of her life, Charlie had strep and a fever of 103!

-People comment on all her dark hair, how big and healthy she is, her elusive dimples, and how she looks like her brothers!

-She's pretty good with the pacifier and we are working on the bottle. I'm determined that she will be my one that gets it!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Baby boom

Bonnie- 9 days, Theo- 9 weeks, Grant- 11 weeks, Scarlett- 4 months

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Baby's first pool day!

We are lucky enough to have a group of friends that meets regularly for playgroup. This summer, one of the friends is living in her in-laws' home while they serve on a mission for their church. This home has a gorgeous pool that they are generously sharing with us! It's been so fun to have a non-crowded place to swim all summer, especially while I was so pregnant!

When Bonnie was one week old we went swimming. I recruited lots of help to make it happen and rolled in like Kanye West with a giant entourage- our babysitter, Abby, her little sister, Libby, my niece, Lily, and my Mom all came along to lend a hand. It was so relaxing and fun- I wish I had that many helpers every day!

(sun)bathing beauty

Mae, Libby, Charlie, Lily

Hot tub pals- George, Sam and James

This was also our last outing with Lily before she moved to Baltimore! So bittersweet. 

The pregnant playgroup mamas have all delivered except for Jess- hang in there! 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Introducing Bonnie Rose

We are so blessed. 

Bonnie's birth story

(this post originally appeared on the blog All Time Ever, of which our birth photographer is a collaborator). 

I was watching the CEO play kickball when the contractions really started coming. I’d been in early labor for a week, but each time the growing pressure waves had me thinking that the baby was really coming, they would wane again. I had been anxiously anticipating this baby’s arrival, feeling unprepared and unsure of my capabilities in parenting three small children. I tried my best to work through those feelings and by 39 weeks gestation, I finally felt a measure of peace and that I was ready. My husband, John, was about to start a new job and had a week off before his first day. My sister was in town for a visit, and my brother and his family were about to move across the country. Timing was perfect. I began using natural methods to induce labor. True to conventional wisdom, nothing worked. The baby wasn’t ready. After a few days of feeling sorry for myself, I let go of any expectations of when she would come. My due date came and went. At five days past my due date, and with still no baby, I found myself available to sit on the grass at my husband’s company party, watching a group of successful professionals play a child’s schoolyard game.

As we left the party to go home, I told our friends that the baby would be born that night or tomorrow. I had said those very words several times before in the last few weeks, but this time I knew I was right. We went to bed early, around 10 pm- we would need to get as much sleep as possible. My contractions were about 10 minutes apart and they had a slight edge to them. I was able to sleep through the night, only waking once or twice with contractions and needing to use the restroom. A really powerful, uncomfortable one woke me up around 5:30 am. I got out of bed, got a drink of water, used the restroom and went back to sleep for an hour. At 6:30 am, I woke again with a painful contraction and this time, I was really awake. My 5-year-old, Charlie, had wandered into my bed in the middle of the night, so I left him sleeping and went to the restroom again. I met my husband in the hall and told him that today was the day. I had a couple of contractions on the commode and I was already feeling quite uncomfortable. When I came out of the bathroom, John was resting on the couch. I told him in no uncertain terms that it was go time, and to call the midwife and tell her we are coming.

The next hour is a blur. I remember John asking me an occasional question as he made phone calls, gathered the bags, and packed the car. At some point, his mom, Sue, arrived to watch our other children, Charlie and his 3-year-old brother, George. I laid on the couch with my headphones in my ears listening to Hypnobabies scripts. I felt in control of the discomfort with my self-hypnosis techniques, but just barely. I was a little worried that I would not be able to maintain it through a long labor. (This was my second non-medicated birth and during the last one I was completely comfortable until my water broke at 9 centimeters. My first birth I attempted to go without medication, but eventually requested an epidural at 6 cm).

It was time to go to The Birth Center, but I felt like I wasn’t getting enough of a break between contractions to walk. I think I had five or six just from the couch to the car. The car ride was only about 5 minutes, but it was extremely uncomfortable. Walking into the birth suite seemed impossible, but I leaned on John and let him take as much of my weight as he could. He would continue to be physically there for me during every second of labor. He crouched behind me in the tub, doing hip presses on my back and hips to help give counter pressure and open up my pelvis. The next day his arms and legs were so sore from the effort!

We arrived about 7:30 am. The two midwives, Heather and Adrienne, and the birth assistant, Eva, bustled around me quietly, taking vital signs, listening to the baby’s heartbeat, filling the birth tub. I finally got to get in the tub- heaven! The weightlessness and warmth eased the pain by several levels. The Hypnobabies scripts were now playing over the room’s speakers and I zoned out and relaxed as much as I could. I moaned and breathed through each contraction, feeling pain, but for the most part staying calm. The midwives went across to the other part of the birth center to see their clients for the day but Eva could tell that the baby was coming- the contractions were right on top of each other- so she called them back.

My mind was full but I know I didn’t articulate many of my thoughts. I mostly remember feeling intense discomfort and worrying that I wouldn’t have the stamina to make it to the end. I didn’t realize how close I was! At one point, I could feel the baby shifting inside me, as she twisted her way through the birth canal. Very soon after that, I started losing my nice, low “ahhh” moans. I was crying out but I never actually made it to screaming. (Our birth photographer, Megan, told me that she only heard me yelp once.) With all my babies,  I have never felt the “urge” to push, I just get to a point where I’m kind of desperate for relief and it occurs to me to try pushing. I was scared, and that I didn’t know if I could do it. Adrienne was a soothing presence, gently telling me that I was capable and that the baby was right there, ready to come. She encouraged me to reach down and feel the baby’s head starting to crown. That was equal parts reassuring and terrifying- how was that huge head going to fit out of me? I was on my knees, leaning on the edge of the tub for most of labor, but when I started to push, I tried to stand up a little bit! I think I was trying to escape. John and the midwives quickly reminded me to get down and very soon after that, her head started to come out. She was a big baby and it definitely took a lot of work to get her here. I think I pushed several times for her head to come out. Adrienne was practically bent upside down over the edge of the tub with a hand mirror so she could see what was going on under the water. She encouraged me, telling me the inch by inch progress I was making with each herculean effort- first her forehead, then her chin, and her hand that was next to her chin. Her shoulders were slightly wedged, so they had me flip over to my back, leaning into John so I was in a better position. Another huge push and her shoulders were born. At this point, most babies just slide out, but this baby was big! Adrienne told me to push her chest out and I remember thinking, “You’ve got to be kidding me!”

Finally she came and Adrienne told me to reach down and catch her. I was completely spent and I couldn’t even lift my arms. Adrienne caught her and brought her to my chest. I held our daughter and I was so grateful for John, supporting both of us in his arms. It was the most exquisite feeling ever- joy and relief and exhaustion and love intermingled in a huge wash of oxytocin. I couldn’t believe I did it and she was actually here! She was born at 9:14 am, a fast and intense labor.

The baby was suctioned while still on my chest. After a few minutes of holding our baby in the warm water, the umbilical cord was cut and she was taken a few feet away to the bed to be more thoroughly suctioned and checked over. She was my biggest baby so far, weighing 9 pounds and 7.5 ounces, and 21 inches in length.

The placenta came easily and without complications. John showered and changed while I was assisted into the bed. I was checked for tearing and had none, despite the baby’s large size. The birth center only requires that you stay for five hours after the birth and then you are sent home to recover. The remarkable thing is that we are well enough and ready to do so! It’s a benefit that makes the hard work of natural childbirth worth it to me.

Throughout the birth, I was in a hazy consciousness, focusing on my hypnosis and trying to get through each contraction. For that reason alone, I have loved having these precious photos taken by Megan Turley, they fill in the rest of the story. To have those moments so perfectly captured is truly a treasure and a work of art.

We decided to name her Bonnie Rose, after my grandmother. As I rested in bed, gazing at my beautiful daughter with her huge, knowing, newborn eyes, I distinctly felt my Grandma Bonnie's presence. I know she was there with me and Bonnie and that they will have a special connection forever. We love Bonnie so much and her gentle presence in our home. She is so adored by her brothers, and she truly is our gift.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

George at 2.5, Charlie at almost 5 (just found this and never published it)

George at 2 and a half:

Latest phrases:
Get me out of here
oh, hi Daddy/ oh, hi Mama
Daddy home!
Papa house treat?
He's talking a lot- favorite words are Daddy, Papa, blankie, blue (blue fleecy jammies), boot, treat, show, outside, bottle
He likes to tell me he ate his food or treat or whatever, and then opens his mouth wide and points inside.
He's still very attached to John, he definitely prefers him to me most of the time. Often he'll ask for Daddy, then Papa, then me.
He loves to do funny dances for us to make us laugh. He's so smart and funny.

He knows almost all of his letters- both upper and lowercase!
Some days when Charlie needs me to help him walk up to his classroom, George gets to go along, too. He holds onto the railing and sits in circle time just like the big kids. He thinks he is just like them. They all know him, too; he's like the class mascot.

Charlie at almost 5:
He had a sweet interaction with his cousin Elizabeth when she was visiting.
Charlie: "Elizabeth, what your want to play with in my room?"
Elizabeth: "Barbies"
Charlie: "Oh, good try! We don't have any Barbies. Try again!"
Elizabeth: "Ummm"
(I whisper Legos to her)
Charlie: Your (sic) got it! Good job!

Also loves his letters and numbers, I'd say he knows 95% of them. We're still working on lower case and letter sounds. He can count up to thirty. He's so smart. It's so fun to have Charlie and George both so interested in letters and reading and learning along together.

Recent anecdotes

On our way to speech therapy: I want to go to Olivia's house and play with her toys. Mom: Olivia doesn't live there, that is her office. Char: no, mom, it's her house where all her boy friends and girl friends are. And I'm her favorite boy friend.

Prayer at dinner: Heavenly Father, thank you for Jesus. Thank for Jesus make our house that is so perfeck and Baby Sister lives there and he makes all our toys and all the terrible bugs.

You are making me so angry I will wipe away my smile face.

Looking up at me shyly: " Mom, I have to tell you something. I'm a superhero."
"Wow, what are your superpowers?"
"I'm so brave and strong and smart."

These boys are getting funnier and more fun every day. Here's some recent anecdotes:

CHARLIE, age 5.25

Charlie has shown a lot of interest in "Baby Sister" who will make her arrival in a few weeks. Having lots of aunts who have recently had babies has only piqued his interest more. He likes to blow raspberries on my tummy to tickle her and talks to her through my belly button. 

Pulling up to our house:
Mom, "Who lives at this cute house?"
Charlie, "We do!"
A few seconds later.
Charlie, "Know why our house is so cute? Because Baby Sister lives there."

Aunt Kate came by to drop something off and had brand new baby Scarlett with her in the car. As Kate and John were chatting in the driveway, Charlie made his way into the car to check out Jude and Scarlett. Then he came racing back to them and shouted excitedly, "I saw a tiny baby! Wearing tiny pants!!"

He's got his "s" sounds down so solidly now! His lisp is completely gone. He still has other speech therapy goals but it's nice to see him progress so quickly and have such success in that goal.

He always asks us to come "peek" at something instead of look at it.

GEORGE, age 2.75

He's is very particular about reading books. He wants us to sit in particular spots and read the books in particular ways and if you don't do it right, you have to start over.

He always starts counting at 2. "2-3-4-5..."

He loves to list off the members of our family for any particular activity he's doing, which means he wants us all to participate, too. "Mama treat, Daddy treat, Char-ee treat, George treat!"

His best friends are Charlie, Daddy, and his Grandpas and Grandmas aka "Papa" and "MahMaw" (both sets of grandparents are favorites). He also loves Abby our babysitter. 

I love how he says "yucky". It comes out yuh-ty. Cookie is "tookie". Okay is "otay". 

His favorite thing to say is "follow me!"

He's recently picked up the word "poopie" from Charlie and says it to be naughty and silly all the time. 

He's also picked up Charlie's catch phrase, "I need to tell you something." 

He finally gets that there's a person named "Baby Sister" that we've been talking about for months and that she's in mom's belly. I don't know how much more he gets than that, but at least he's gotten to this point. :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Bambino #3 is a .... GIRL!

So, really it's a bambina! It's so surreal still! I would have been so happy for a boy, too. A little pack of three boys running around together is pretty sweet. But to have a girl is it's own kind of wonderful. A chance to experience a different gender, the special feeling of having a daughter- it's all so different and fun. We are very surprised! We're so in the boy zone with Charlie and George- we have *boy toys, we are rough and tumble and in the mud- to consider that we'd have a girl was preposterous!

(Feminist/humanist tangent: I almost hate to think of "boy toys" and "girl toys" but since having children, I have observed how kids just come the way they come and many baby boys are into trucks and balls and many baby girls are into baby dolls and dress ups. I gave Charlie a baby doll and a stroller when he was just barely walking and he would take the baby out of the stroller, throw it on the ground, and put all his trucks in the stroller and push it around. I know I'm in for a different experience with a girl!)

Calling the baby "she" still makes me smile. Charlie (and everyone else) thought the baby was a girl all along, I guess we should have listened! I love finding out the gender of the baby halfway through because I feel like it helps me bond with the baby better. If we ever have a fourth (haha!), I could consider not finding out now that I'll have both boys and a girl (!)

I felt like waiting to announce this pregnancy on social media until I knew the gender, so for many of our friends and family, this was their first time hearing about the baby. Everyone was so happy for us and excited that we'll have two boys and now a girl- over 250 "likes" and 82 comments on my post on Facebook. Reading all the comments as they came in the other day was so much fun and the reason why I like staying connected in that way. (I just have to put this in here for posterity's sake- who knows what technology will be like for my kids one day! Will this seem so old fashioned and quaint? I have no idea, but it makes me laugh a little bit.)

baby girl at 19 weeks gestation

Bambino #3

Today I am sure I can feel the baby moving around gently. I can picture little punches and kicks from someone that's only 3 inches long.

I think I'm about 13 weeks but based on the early ultrasound I had last week, I could be as many as 14. I still feel sick (and the last few weeks I've been actually throwing up), but improving each day. Today was my best day yet so far. I hope I continue to improve and I'm grateful every moment that I don't have hyperemesis gravidarum like so many of my friends do. 

Charlie, my mom, and John's mom all think I'm having a girl. I am convinced I'm having a boy! But I will be thrilled either way. I'm feeling less anxious and more excited all the time- more slowly than with the other two, I'll admit. I feel like that has to do with the overwhelm of my current two kids and the surprise nature of this pregnancy much more with the thought of this actual baby. 

I'm grateful that I can get pregnant and I have healthy pregnancies. I'm using a midwife and birth center this time around and I know that's a choice many women can't make for medical reasons, so I feel lucky. 

We've started to tell more people and their excitement fuels mine, as well. That's been fun!

It's so amazing that Kate, Chelsea, Meg and I are all having babies one right after another this spring and summer. What fun (and chaos) that will be! 

As usual, life is CRAZY but oh, so good. 

October 2013

Trying to wrap up my posts for 2013... it's slow going but I love looking back through these pictures! Here's a look at the rest of our October. It was warm and beautiful!
I love this big 2 year old boy. He's growing up so fast! 

The boys put these hampers on their heads and pretend to be robots...

The hottest new DJ in town- One Boot No Pants

For Grandma Sue's birthday she requested a bowling party. We gathered at Fat Cats and the kids had the time of their lives bowling and playing in the arcade. Charlie talked and talked about it for months afterward. 
Jude, Anne and George

Charlie LOVED this little rocket ship ride- look at his face! Pure joy. 

Trying to figure out the joystick controls

George is so sensitive to bright light and loud noises- he's always covering his ears and saying "ears", which means it hurts his ears or saying "bright" which means it's too bright. 

tower of books- he actually built the first few layers all by himself

Sweet boys from our boys playgroup- Charlie and some of the neighbor boys have a weekly playgroup. It's always so fun and chaotic and George is right alongside the big boys!

One night we took a family outing up to the park we call "path park". The light was gorgeous and we had so much fun just playing and exploring. It's times like this that I feel so lucky to have this little family of mine. 

the beginning of the paths 

this park has a baseball field, too, and as the sun was setting, the boys ran around the bases a few times. Charlie would beat George to home base and then turn around and encourage and cheer for Georgie. 

Jumping down the bleachers, of course

this picture doesn't capture the sunset but it was so beautiful

we found the last few dandelions of summer and had to blow them

October marked 10 years since John and I met. Can you believe it?!

Love this little pal of mine

Last signs of summer and first signs of fall

Just a candid iPhone shot of Charlie, but it encompasses him perfectly! I think it's one of my all-time favorite pictures I've ever taken of him. 


Trying to attempt a family picture- just the iPhone on the front lawn before church. Not the highest quality but I love it so much.

Charlie's luscious curls are starting to get thicker and more relaxed. SOB! This is after church, a few hours after a fresh bath and hair product and the curls are still there. Most days he looks like a total ragamuffin AND he hates to have his hair done, so I'm going to cut it short just to keep him looking presentable. I wish we lived in a humid climate!
A beautiful fall day at Anderson library exploring the grounds

I had to sneak this picture of Charlie at school with his amazing teacher, Austin. Most days are still difficult dropping Charlie off, but he loves Austin so much. This day, Charlie wasn't crying anymore, but he did want to be carried. And bless Austin's heart, he was carrying Charlie (just to the door) and also helping another little girl who was having a rough day. These teachers are SO amazing- completely unflappable. 

Park outing with cousins to Sugarhouse park


Emma- she kept saying, "Watch me, Barb!"

Beautiful fall day at preschool
 Steve, Sam, Johnny and I went to an Imagine Dragons with Fictionist concert. It was so fun to see all the fans packed in there and know many of them were being exposed to our friends Fictionist for the first time! And Imagine Dragons put on an amazing show as always. It was Sam's first concert!

Sam giving Robbie from Fictionist a high five 
with the lead singer of Fictionist, Stuart Maxfield (Johnny almost made it in that pic...)
with Brandon Kitterman, who blew me away by playing his guitar with a bow for one of their songs. What?! It was super cool. 
I kind of geeked out when I ran into Justin Hackworth in the hallway. He's an incredible local photographer who was there to shoot some pictures of Fictionist. I totally fangirled out on him. And I also gave him some peppermint oil to take home so he would stay awake- the concert was in Ogden and he lives 2 hours away in Provo. 

our pal Robbie Connolly from Fictionist

We continued progress on the backyard. One of the last projects of the summer was this massive sandbox that John built. The pavers were the base layer. We were racing against the clock and were grateful the snow stayed away as long as it did!

little pals holding hands- George will hold Charlie's hand when he won't hold mine. 

 We had a few cousin playdates with James and Emma this month. Chelsea is expecting (hooray!) but she is very sick (boo!) the first few months so lots of family members helped by hanging out with darling James and Emma. It wasn't a hardship by any means because they are so sweet and fun.

lots of fun with dress up hats this day

Emma found a nice little spot to sit :)

and when needed, we take a break with snacks, coloring and a show
 Grandma Sue puts together a fun photo/quote calendar every year and I realized we didn't have a lot of family pictures to represent our family in the second half of 2013. I asked Sam to snap a few and these were our favorites.

Whew! One more month down of catch up! I'm so grateful for this family record every time I look back on it. Thanks to anyone who also follows along. :)