Thursday, October 29, 2015

Bonnie Repeats

Today alone she 
-sang along to the radio (Kelly Clarkson "Heartbeat song"- is has a part that goes "Up up up up all night long, up up all night long" and she was singing ba ba ba ba.)

-learned the word Oreo at Costco after all three kids got an Oreo sample and we were singing the "Or-e-o, or-eeee-o" song from Wreck-It Ralph.
        (The Oreo aftermath)

- George had some new Play-Doh in the car and was telling Bonnie to say "Play-Doh". After a few tries, she got "ā" then after a few more was saying "ā-dō". 

- also in the car we taught her "Apple" and she was saying "Pul" after a few times.