Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Charlie- 9 weeks

I know I am totally turning into a mommy blogger and really, I understand why that happens now that I am a mother. My life is taking care of Charlie (which I love) but I don't have anything else to write about! I just wanted you all to know that I am aware that all I ever blog about is my (darling, perfect, delectable) baby.

I also have the added excuse/incentive to blog about Charlie- half my family lives overseas and they are starving for news about Baby Che! My dad told me he looks at the pictures on my blog three or four times a day, just to see Charlie. Awww...

Last week was a little stressful- Charlie had his two month check up which means immunizations! I knew it would be sad to see Charlie get his shots, but I had no idea how heart wrenching it would be. He was so good for the appointment- he didn't mind being undressed, weighed, measured, examined- but then it was time for the injections. I held him in my arms as he received an oral immunization (rotovirus), which tasted bad. He started to cry. It was pitiful and I felt so bad for him. Then the nurse gave him his shots, two in one thigh and one in the other. Oh man, did he scream! I have never heard him cry like that in his entire existence. The worst part is that he looked into my eyes like he'd been betrayed! I admit, I had tears streaming down my face. I couldn't help it. John was there to comfort both of us. It was awful. We had a mantra to get us through it, "A sad baby is better than a sick or dead baby." Thankfully, Charlie recovered quite quickly. Mommy, however, felt shaken the rest of the day. I'm sure all of you parents remember how agonizing it was to watch your baby in pain for the first time of their lives!

Charlie is now 14 pounds, 11 ounces and 25 inches long. Our pediatrician, Frank Bentley, says he is the size of a four-month-old. Last night Charlie wore a size 6-9 months jumper to bed. He's a big fella! I'm still nursing him and I'm just amazed that my body is capable of making milk that in turn produces such a chubby child!

After the shots, Charlie wasn't really himself for a few days. We gave him Tylenol to help with the pain and made sure to give him lots of extra cuddles, warm baths, gentle leg massages, and nursing on demand. Even with a slightly fussy baby, we still reached a lot of milestones this week!

*Charlie began falling asleep on his own for naps- now when he's sleepy we swaddle him and put him down awake in his bassinet and he falls asleep without being rocked!
*Took a shower with his dad for the first time, which he didn't love as much as his bath, but he didn't hate it!
*Started sucking on his hands to soothe himself. He's always liked to suck on his tongue or on our hands (not so much a pacifier, boo) but now he has the coordination to get his hands to his mouth and he is loving it!
*Slept through the night for the first time on May 30th. He slept from 11:30 p.m to 6:00 a.m.- six and half hours! He's done it once more since then and I think he will continue to phase out his 3 a.m. feeding!


  1. what a sweet boy! love hearing all the great updates.

  2. You never "get used to" immunizations. It still breaks my heart.
    When Stone was a newborn he had to get his blood drawn everyday to check his biliribin levels and I once made the mistake of holding him when they poked him. I just sobbed and sobbed long after he had calmed down.
    They are so mean to babies!

  3. i cried everytime someone poked ella! it gets easier with every baby. i must be getting mean!

  4. I love that 2nd picture :) He's way cute. Yes, shots are the WORST! ugh I feel so bad for Tucker every time he has to get shots. Poor little guys. That's awesome that he's so big! Believe me-it's way better then being too small.... :)

  5. Your description of the immunizations made me so sad! I'm just comforted by the fact that they won't remember the pain. And don't worry; I cried when they had to take Gavin's blood three days after he was born. I'm sure the nurses are totally used to it.

  6. OH Barb! Just reading about the shots makes my heart ache!!! Kate has hers this week...I don't feel ready! I am sure I will shed some motherly tears as well. Oh so sad! Atleast it's for a good cause. Cute pictures of your big boy bytheway! :)


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