Saturday, June 27, 2009

Charlie- 13 weeks

I love these weekly shots of Charlie so I'm going to keep doing them, but I'm sorry if they bore you all! I did decide to just take his photo with his giraffe from now on, instead of both stuffies.

Charlie is learning to smile for the camera! He starts to grin when I bring out the big Nikon D40- he knows that I usually make silly faces at him when I have that big, black box in my hand!

A behind-the-scenes shot- Charlie is pretty strong and solid, so he can be propped up for a few minutes to make it look like he's sitting up. Here's what usually happens after a while, though!

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute! They get so big so fast! I love that garaffe he is holding. I want one!


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