Saturday, June 27, 2009

Charlie- 3 months old

Because months and weeks don't always match up (especially with a long month like March involved), Charlie didn't turn 3 months old until his 13th week of life. To celebrate his 3rd month birthday (the 25th) I decided Charlie needed some new toys. Chelsea and I loaded the babies up in my little Nissan and headed to IKEA. The trip was not without its challenges. First, neither baby is really that fond of riding in the car. James and Charlie took turns crying on the 40 minute drive, culminating in an all out scream fest the last ten minutes of the drive. We had to just laugh or we'd cry! Chelsea, bless her heart, tried everything to soothe the babies, contorting her body to reach back to replace binkies and even holding their tiny little hands. I resorted to singing the Utah fight song at the top of my lungs the last five minutes, which sometimes calms Charlie down. Nothing worked.

We finally made it to our destination and soothed the babes by holding them (James in Chelsea's arms and Charlie in the Baby Bjorn strapped to my chest.) Navigating IKEA with our diaper bags, babies, and purchases was a little challenging! Just picking something up to put it in the cart took both of us. We made it out to the car where we nursed the babies in the front seats (Charlie and I barely fit behind the steering wheel!) Even with food in their bellies, our darling children still cried most of the way home- they kept startling each other! Charlie finally fell asleep from exhaustion. I'm hope Chelsea and James took a great big nap that afternoon, that's what Charlie and I did to recover!

The trial that was the IKEA trip was worth it for Charlie in the end- he loves his new toy!

A few notes about Charlie at 3 months old:

*Wears mostly 6-9 month size clothing
*Fits in size 2/3 diapers
*LOVES to suck on his hands
*Has really started laughing! It's the cutest thing. I really have to work hard to get it out of him, but it's worth the effort!
*Has rolled over a couple more times since he first did it.
*Getting better at grabbing and holding onto his toys.

*His hair is starting to grow in on top and his newborn hair is rubbing off in the back.
*We're practicing taking naps in his big crib in the nursery so that soon he can sleep in it!
*Doesn't sleep through the night regularly but is still an excellent sleeper. A "bad" night is when he gets up twice!
*Will sleep in with mom and dad in the mornings if I feed him and bring him into our bed.
*Has figured out the pacifier and now likes it.
*Still needs to be swaddled TIGHTLY to go to sleep.
*Grandma T figured out that he likes to have his head and face lightly tickled when he's having a hard time going to sleep.
*Still loves to "talk" and coo at almost everyone!
*Loves music in all forms! He loves the music on his bouncer, swing and giraffe and loves it when Mommy sings to him. He smiles and "sings" along. Our favorites recently are, "When Grandpa Comes", "Daddy's Homecoming", "My Dad", "A Happy Family", and of course, "Utah Man". (Click on that link and you'll see the goal!)

I love my little guy!


  1. Awww. He's just so stinking cute!

  2. Isn't it great how the simplest errands are now very complicated! It gets much easier when they are old enough to sit in the shopping cart so you have that to look forward to. :)

    In 18 years our boys can be in the MUSS together singing 'Utah Man.' Woo hoo!

  3. Both my kiddos have had to be swaddled too! Ella actually was swaddled until she was about 7 months old or so. She finally stopped wanting it at the same time she started crawling! I still can't believe we did it for that long. . . but anything you do to get more sleep is worth it! We'll have to see how long Maggie has to be swaddled for, but so far she needs just as bad as her big sister did!


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