Saturday, June 27, 2009

Tin Foil Dinners

We headed up Millcreek canyon last Monday for a family (and one friend) activity of tin foil dinners. It was so fun to be in the beautiful mountains with our loved ones and to eat our delicious meals. John and I went up early to save the campsite and start the fire while Charlie napped at Grandma T's house. Grandma, Grandpa and Anne brought him with them when they joined us a little later.

It was Charlie's first time being outside in the mountains. We had been to the cabin already but on a rainy day. This time the weather was beautiful and he LOVED being outside!

Baby James slept peacefully for most of the night!

This was Charlie's expression all night. He had the widest eyes! He was trying to take it all in!

Staring up at the trees with Grandma.

This was the funniest thing that Charlie did. Whenever anyone was holding him he would arch his back like that to get a view of the trees and the sky. It was hilarious!

The view that had him so entranced...

Grandma and Grandpa T with their bundled grandbabies...

We are excited to do more outside with Charlie now that he's a little older and the weather is (HOPEFULLY) clearing up.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you document everything I forget to bring my camera to. I always steal photos from your blog!


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