Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New, er, well, old... job

My life as a SAHP didn't last very long. Soon after I wrote that post, I was contacted by my former employer at the Utah House of Representatives to ask me to return to my old job. I worked last year for Speaker Curtis and the House Republicans handling media relations. It's a seasonal position- they only have a need for a full-time press person while the Legislature is in session.

This year, there's a new Speaker of the House, Speaker Dave Clark (check out his blog), and a very different feeling on the hill. Our state is facing huge economic hardships that force the hand of our elected officials. The Utah state constitution requires that the budget is balanced every year. That means if the revenue the state brings in goes down then budget cuts must be made. It will be interesting to see how the legislators tackle this challenge.

Me with Representative Clark (now Speaker of the House) on the last day of session 2008

It's very fun to be working in this job that I enjoy so much and with many of the same people. The last day of session is March 12th and Baby Cub is due March 27th- hopefully, he won't cut it too close!


  1. Now you know why I went back to teaching before I thought I was "ready." I love it! I wasn't sure I was cutting it as a full-time stay at home mom...

  2. That is so great!!! Now we are both press people! If I ever need to contact the State House Republicans I know who to call!

  3. I literally breathed a sigh of relief while reading "There's a new speaker on the Hill..."

    Utahns are getting a bit more savvy about their politics! :D

  4. This is awesome! Congratulations! P.S. How is working as a preggo girl?

  5. That is great! I worked until a week before my due date and I actually enjoyed it. It kept my mind off of being big and pregnant!


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