Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Life as a SAHP

(28 weeks pregnant)

I have now officially become a SAHP (Stay at Home Prego) (just like TAMN!) It's a little weird to not have school or work starting up again in the new year like everyone else. I am not attending school this semester because the Cub is due in March which would leave me with about a month's worth of classes left. (Some people can still swing having a newborn, possibly PPD, and a ton of finals- I am pretty confidant that I am not one of those people.) I have some time on my hands. (FYI- I am not completely idle. A lot of my time is spent taking care of my parents' house and remodeling projects while they are away for three years.)

I saw my cousins the other day when I picked them up from the airport. Their parents live in Chicago but they all live in Provo, either attending BYU or working. We don't often see each other, so we were chatting and catching up. Then came the inevitable question, "So what are you up to these days?" I thought for a minute about how I have been spending my time recently and I realized that my job is to drive people to and from the airport. I have been six times in the last month.

I've been thinking a lot about what I want my life to be like. I am excited to be a stay at home mom when this baby comes. I am determined to finish my degree. I want to keep my connections in the political field in case I decide to return to working at a later time.

Here's an excerpt from an email I wrote to Cat yesterday on this very topic:

I'm keeping busy with house projects and putting away Christmas stuff but I keep having this feeling of being left behind. It's hard to see everyone getting ready to go back to school and work and feeling left out of that. I know soon enough I will have a full time job of being a mom but for now I just feel out of it. John's sister and her friend came over last night because they are starting a business and needed John's help with a website. They stayed for about two hours brainstorming names and ideas with me. I felt like I really helped them with their business plan and it felt great to be involved in something new and exciting. Then they left. And I realized it's not really my project. As helpful as I can be as a resource for the people around me, I don't have a "thing" of my own.

I sound a lot sadder in this email than I really am. I'm just more contemplative- trying to figure out what I want my niche to be, what I want my contribution to life to be. I am super excited to become a mom but I know that I will still always crave a project that is all my own. I'm just doing some thinking about what I want that to be, where I want to spend my energy and how I can develop my talents.

I imagine that this is a familiar feeling to many of you- trying to figure out what your contribution to life will be and how to find personal fulfillment. I think at any time of transition (graduation, job change, baby arrival, marriage, mission completion) there comes an opportunity for self-reflection and perhaps a subsequent redefinition of self.

My question to you as I continue to explore this subject is, "What brings you self-fulfillment in your life?" I would love to hear about how you arrived where you are and what your journey was like (or still is) along the way.


  1. You look great Barb! What a cute pregnant gal you are! You're getting pretty close! I remember once I hit 30 weeks, time totally flew :)

  2. for me self fulfillment comes when I am doing what the Lord wants me to be doing. I know that sounds cheesy but it is true. Right now I know that is me being a mom and I feel so fulfilled doing that. Before I had my kiddies I didn't know some of the things that would become my projects. My current project is figuring out how to get my family to eat a balanced diet. The satisfaction I get when my kids eat a vegetable is pretty amazing. I get my me time by exercise. It totally does it for me! That said, I think finding self-fulfillment is a constant journey. If I start feeling there is something out there I need to be doing or if circumstances change... I will go with it. Right now I am just happy to be at peace. wow that was long! sorry!

  3. Looking good! I think I popped out at about 10 weeks this time around...At least you have motivation to be wanting to do something at this point, that seems like a good sign. Right now I find greatest fulfillment in being a mom. It has been so fulfilling to watch Kinnie grow and learn and to know that I play a large role in that. It can be so much work to be a mom and a wife and a housekeeper and I find that I feel fulfillment as I try to do my best at it. When I can fit a project in or learn something new that is great too.

  4. First of all, you look so cute Barb! Second of all, I'm sad I missed your baby shower--we've been out-of-town. And lastly, I agree with many of the above comments. Self fulfillment is definately a constant journey, yet it's amazing how much it changes once you have a child in the picture. I'm so excited for you, though! And good luck on this new journey!

  5. This link is great...
    check it out!

    Since becoming a full time, SAHM, my perspective has changed. When I went to school or worked I could actually SEE my accomplishments and hard work paying off. Now, it's just the little things that mean so much and we have to remember that we ARE still creating and fulfilling :)

  6. i think you look fabulous! i'm so excited for your little one to arrive. these babies are such miracles, it's absolutely amazing!

  7. I know its hard to imagine now, but having that baby in your arms really does give your life a new meaning. There is no way to explain the "joy in your posterity" thing, but you'll understand it.
    Until that baby comes REST AS MUCH AS YOU CAN because it will be a long long time before you can really rest again. I would recommend one of the following:
    -Nesting: Painting, decorating baby room, redecorating the house, remodeling your parents house, something like that.
    -Reading: When I was preggo I think I zoomed through 3 long series books (including Harry Potter) and loved it.
    -Crafty: Learn to crochet or paint or something (you may already know how to do everything already, I don't know).

    I stopped working in the middle of December 2007 (Stoney was born Feb 19th). I LOVED staying home. Everyday Jordan would come home and say, "Did you take a nap today?"
    I totally felt lazy, but I was SO glad I had that time to sit around and be home.

  8. Wow, my idea sounds a bit more selfish than these others...
    Pick one of your talents and a night during the week, and that time is yours to further develop that talents. I joined a wonderful choir, and am now in my 3rd year. Wednesday nights are mine! Plus, I feel like I am really enhancing this talent I have been blessed with so I don't lose what the Lord has given me.
    (and a night of no mommy responsibilities is great!)


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