Sunday, June 01, 2008

Best kiss ever

Watched the MTV movie awards tonight. Rachel McAdams + Ryan Gosling + Notebook hysteria = best kiss ever. Prepare to feel like a 13-year-old girl.


  1. Yep... I'm a thirteen going on 30 for sure! That was AWESOME!! My favorite was when he crooked his finger telling her to get over here! That was invigorating! LOL!

  2. Anonymous8:53 AM

    BEST KISS EVER is right!!! I've watched this video more times than I'd like to admit. I like the part clancy in idaho mentioned but I also love the part in the beginning where he does the "after you" hand gesture, as well as the way he grabs her hair when they are kissing and lastly the way he picks up her jacket at the end before they walk off stage. Ugh!! Too bad they aren't together anymore. :(

  3. I can't begin to tell you how much I loved seeing that because I'm not an amazing writer like Barb, but, lwt's just say I can no longer concentrate. LOVE IT!

  4. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I love that he had to get all warmed up and loose first. Sweet!

  5. Awwwwww! Love it! I will admit I didn't particulary like this movie when I saw maybe I should see it again?


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