Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I'm a little sad...

... about tonight's American Idol results. David Archuleta didn't win. I do think that he'll go on to be very successful and I really like David Cook, too, so I'm not crushed about his victory.


  1. I was actually really surprised that Archie didn't win! I really like David Cook too, but Archie is just awesome every single time. Oh well, they'll both put out CD's that we can buy :)

  2. I'm a huge conspiracy theorist when it comes to American Idol. I definitely think it's rigged and the producers feel like they can market David Cook better than Archie. Oh well, sometimes I think it's better to be runner up because you're not locked into their contract.

  3. What's up? I found your blog! So cool! Check out our at

  4. I am totally sad! My heart just sank when it was announced!


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