Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Charlie- 30 weeks (7 months)

Charlie continues to be such a joy! I love his little developing personality. Here's some things about our little Cheby (like Che + Baby) this past month.

-He loves talking and practicing new sounds (da, ba, ma, hi, thhhhh, and many others that I'm not sure are part of the English language). Sometimes when he's complaining or crying, his voice distracts him from crying and he starts vocalizing more. It's like he's saying, "My voice! I remembered about my marvelous VOOICCCE!"

-He really enjoys playing in the Exersaucer that Chelsea loaned us. Just this week, he's started to jump in it in addition to playing with the toys. He has also figured out the Johnny Jump-Up. Jumping in any form is one of his favorite activities.

-He's slowly trying new foods. Mostly because mommy needs to get used to adding food into our daily schedule. He loves it and we're adding new foods all the time. So far: rice, sweet potatoes, yams, bananas, and apples.

-He loves sitting up in the grocery cart or in restaurant high chairs looking around and watching people.

-He has started leaning and reaching for me (and a few lucky others) when he wants to be held. Melt my heart.

-Charlie has a sippy cup that he's learning to drink water from and it is one of his favorite things to play with. He usually holds it upside down and chews on the bottom of it, but occasionally he gets the spout and drinks a little water. :)

-He's outgrown his infant car seat! We went shopping and picked out a new one and he looked so little in it! (Pictures to come).

He's growing up so fast! I just want to slow down time!

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