Friday, February 01, 2008

Thinking about some goals

-Making an effort to actually SEE my friends (not just read their blogs). John and I have a very comfortable habit of just hanging out alone all the time (which we LOVE) but we need to be more balanced because our friendships enrich our lives, too, and we're going to miss out on those connections!

-Committing to a healthy lifestyle. Not a crash diet, but a true change of mentality to committing to healthy eating and regular exercise. (This includes my new (two days down, 363 to go) commitment to not eating sugar or desserts. It makes me sad.)

-Stepping away from my "caretaker" mode every now and then and doing something that feeds my creativity or imagination.

-Saving my money and paying off debt.

-Work on my personal study habits (reading the scriptures on my own, not just with John, preparing and pondering my lessons in advance, keeping up with the lessons in Relief Society and Sunday School).

Care to share some of your goals??

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