Friday, July 27, 2007

7 things I'm loving right now..., an easy and fast way to get Utah's political news.
2. Colbie Caillat, especially "Bubbly," but the whole album is great!
3. This stamp (and all of her cool sisters) from 7Gypsies

4. These antique keys that belonged to my great-great grandfather, Samuel Spencer.

5. The irreverent humor ofLil' Bush on Comedy Central.
6. My sister and brother-in-law, Catherine and Richard, on their way home to SLC from Philly. Woo hoo!
7. This list of 30 Ways to Green Up Your Life thatMadelyn sent me.


  1. Those keys are awesome. And yay for family coming home! Love that.

  2. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Love Colbie's songs...thanks for adding a few new songs to the soundtrack of my life.


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