Monday, July 16, 2007

I'm hot and not in the good way...

Golly gee, it can get hot in the campaign office when the AC is "broken". I say "broken" and not broken, because when I went down to the building manager's office, it was a refreshing and cool 68 degrees down there. The nice receptionist informed me that "the whole building's air conditioning is out." When I looked at her with my best, "Yeah, right," face she quickly added, "Except for this floor." Lovely. Then, as if that weren't bad enough, as I was leaving to go back upstairs to my sweltering 90 + degrees office, she called out, "Be patient!" ARGH. So here I sit- sweaty, uncomfortable, grumpy- on the one day this week that I have to be actually in at the office, just waiting until I can leave!! Luckily my mom was nice enough to bring down a fan for me so I don't pass out from heat exhaustion. Hope you all are finding ways to stay cool!


  1. it might be more accurate to say you're hot in *two* ways. :-)

    but YUCK! so sorry, babe!

  2. Hi Barb!! I'm so happy to have found your blog too! Isn't this a great way to keep in touch?? Is it ok if I "link" you to ours?? :) Hopefully we'll see you around SLC again - we're coming home next week for the 24th!

  3. Oh man, I hate nothing more than the heat. I would quit. :)

  4. Everyone is free to linky link away! Thanks for asking!

  5. hey, barb! I'm going to dinner next wednesday night with all these LDS blogger girls I've never met. Want to come in case they're not really LDS ladies but actually perverted old men who were just *pretending* to teach laurels and have babies that spit up during sacrament meeting? It'll be a 6PM at the Applebees in American Fork. Let me know! Love you buckets!

  6. oh Barb, you ARE hot in the good way!


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