Sunday, February 18, 2007

Our Temple Day

John and I were sealed yesterday in the Salt Lake Temple. We had gorgeous weather and our friends and family around us- we couldn't have asked for a more perfect day!


  1. Beautiful beautiful!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!

  2. Congratulations!!! It looks like it was a really pretty day! You lucked out considering it is Feb. I am very excited for you guys! Congrats again!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!! That explains why it was 60s and Sunny in the middle of February. This is terrific news! Wish you two all the best, always.

  4. congrats barbara! it looks like it was a beautiful day for you! what a blessing...

  5. Barb... I just realized you have a blog and am very excited!! By the way... Congratulations. What a great day. I am very happy for you both. Hope you are doing great.


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