Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Kindness counts

Today is World Kindness Day. Sadly, there have been some tragic and shocking events in our community recently that have made me wonder about this world that we live in.

First, a horrible car accident involving the deaths of a pregnant mom and two small children caused by a teenage driver under the influence. Then, yesterday a mindless shooting spree at Trolley Square that ended in six deaths and many injuries. There really is so much sorrow and tragedy around us!

But then, a small ray of sunlight pierced through the dismal darkness and it came from an unlikely source- the devastated husband and father of the family in the car accident. He spoke of forgiveness and love, even in the face of unimaginable personal suffering. Then he asked his community, us, to reach out in kindness.

"We would invite you if you are in a position to extend a single act of kindness, a token of mercy or and extension of forgiveness, would you do it by Valentine's Day�" the father said. "Write the expressions down and share it with my two surviving boys."

Chris Williams has found a way to forgive and I urge us all to take a moment to think of how we can reach out in kindness, love and forgiveness as well. Tell me about it or email the William's family.

I know I will be thinking of more than just romance and flowers tomorrow. This Valentine's Day will have a much deeper meaning of love for me.

1 comment:

  1. I have been feeling the same way about how horrible the world is. I have been wondering how I can raise my kids to still find the joy and beauty in the world. Thank you for posting this, it made me tear up. Today is a perfect day for kindness and not just the lovey dovey stuff.


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