Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Batman wears tights, which explains the musical theatre

Some people prepare for the The Dark Knight (the new Batman movie starring Christian Bale) by watching Batman Begins. Not me. I prefer some of Christian's earlier work.

This was John's reaction when I made him watch a few minutes.


  1. my favorite part is the fancy dancing and horse mounting in the middle.

  2. Anonymous10:03 PM

    What, no American Psycho clip?

    I love me some Christian Bale circa the Jack Kelley era. I just watched a biography on him and was shocked SHOCKED I TELL YA to discover that Newsies was considered a flop when it came out. A bunch of singing, dancing, post-adolescent young men in a heartwarming Disney flick? Sounds like a recipe for success if you ask me.

  3. We were listening to the soundtrack once and at the part in the middle of this song dan yells "DANCE, BATMAN!! DANCE!!!" It was HILARIOUS! :)

  4. You know, I was going to do a post on Newsies once. A post of un-dying LOVE for Newsies. Melanie, I cannot believe that it was a flop, I just cannot. Let me tell you all that Newsies soundtrack gets me through hard workouts and its the ONLY song that can keep me pumped. There, I said it.

  5. Jordan was SO excited for the Dark Knight that he actually "surprised" me one night by popping in the Newsies. Needless to say, it was the first time he had seen it.

  6. There is no way Newsies was a flop when it came out. I saw it like 6 times and then we did a mini version of it in middle school. Also, I had a giant crush on Christian Bale. Don't tell my husband because he'll think I'm a nerd. Wait, he probably already knows - nevermind.

  7. Um......I LOVE Newsies. It started out when I was much much younger. My dad saw how much we - my sisters and I - liked it and ended up buying a VHS copy for us for Christmas. That was before it was out on VHS. (Apparently they never had intentions to release it. Maybe it was because they thought it would "flop" in sales too. I still can't believe it) It apparently counted as one of our "BIG" christmas presents that year. We had the entire movie memorized.


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