Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Taggy tag tag

So I've now been blog-tagged for the first time by the Moosh's mama (aka Casey) and been challenged to reveal 8 unknown things about me. This may be difficult considering the things that I willingly reveal include pretty much every mortifying thing that has ever happened to me... hmmm, I might have to settle for the ordinary instead of the shocking.

1. I am really afraid of the ocean. Even when I can see the bottom. Especially when I can see the bottom, actually, because one of the things I'm afraid of is coral. This led to some embarrassing panic attacks when I lived in Hawaii for the summer.

2. I almost always read books in one sitting (albeit a marathon, through-the-night one) and get really annoyed if I can't finish it all right away. It's weird, right? And inconvenient. And leads to some serious sleep deprivation when I find a compelling one!

3. I really like reality shows. Almost all kinds. I do still have some standards (Flavor of Love? No thanks.) But just barely.

4. If I could have one wish, I would probably wish for a better singing voice. My mother has the most beautiful voice and so does my sister, and I'll just keep working on it.

5. I LOVE candy. All kinds. But my favorite is mint flavored: Junior Mints, Tic Tacs, Mentos, Altoids, butter mints, Andes, York peppermint patties... love it all.

6. I once kissed two boys in one day. I'm not necessarily proud of it, yet at the same time, it may have been my one day of glory so...

7. I'm not opposed to getting a boob job one day- I may need it after I have some kids.

8. I used to HATE my toes until I met John and he absolutely LOVES them and thinks they're the cutest thing ever and now I like 'em. My husband is adorable.

I hereby tag:

Lindsey T.

Go crazy!


  1. Barb, tic tacs are NOT candy. (Hope you don't mind that I read your blog once in a while.)

  2. i love love love your list. i'm afraid of the ocean too! nothing scarier if you ask me. i will consider myself tagged. :)

  3. I already have a signed contract to get the ladies back when I'm done rearing chillins.
    I miss them so.
    Moment of silence for the deflated fun bags.

    Thank you.

  4. Lacy- You are welcome to my blog anytime. I have to disagree about tic tacs, because I'm always tempted to eat them all (like candy) instead of just one (like a mint).


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