Thursday, May 10, 2007

Part II

We drove our rental minivan (still not big enough for six adults) two hours from Philly to New Jersey where we parked then got on the PATH to New York. We got off at the World Trade Center station which is still an incredible sight. There's still a giant hole in the ground and tons of construction. Even without massive tons of rubble, it still looks devastated. It was a moving experience.

These are pictures I took in the station. I got in big trouble for doing so- photography of any kind is prohibited. I didn't know this but in retrospect, it makes sense. I'm pretty sure they didn't suspect me of engaging in terrorist reconnaissance but better safe than sorry, right?


  1. Your trip looks like it was so much fun! I loved getting a comment from Cat too...tell her I miss her dearly and LOVE her to death! And it's been so fun keeping in touch with you too- the formerly Spencer Sisters are some of my FAVORITE people ever! :)

  2. Very very cool. Tell Catherine Hi, and direct her to my blog too!! She's got to get a blog as well, the silly girl. You are a really good photographer by the way Barb, very impressive!

  3. I am so glad you got to visit Catherine! The trip looks like it was a blast and a half!


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