Tuesday, March 11, 2014

October 2013

Trying to wrap up my posts for 2013... it's slow going but I love looking back through these pictures! Here's a look at the rest of our October. It was warm and beautiful!
I love this big 2 year old boy. He's growing up so fast! 

The boys put these hampers on their heads and pretend to be robots...

The hottest new DJ in town- One Boot No Pants

For Grandma Sue's birthday she requested a bowling party. We gathered at Fat Cats and the kids had the time of their lives bowling and playing in the arcade. Charlie talked and talked about it for months afterward. 
Jude, Anne and George

Charlie LOVED this little rocket ship ride- look at his face! Pure joy. 

Trying to figure out the joystick controls

George is so sensitive to bright light and loud noises- he's always covering his ears and saying "ears", which means it hurts his ears or saying "bright" which means it's too bright. 

tower of books- he actually built the first few layers all by himself

Sweet boys from our boys playgroup- Charlie and some of the neighbor boys have a weekly playgroup. It's always so fun and chaotic and George is right alongside the big boys!

One night we took a family outing up to the park we call "path park". The light was gorgeous and we had so much fun just playing and exploring. It's times like this that I feel so lucky to have this little family of mine. 

the beginning of the paths 

this park has a baseball field, too, and as the sun was setting, the boys ran around the bases a few times. Charlie would beat George to home base and then turn around and encourage and cheer for Georgie. 

Jumping down the bleachers, of course

this picture doesn't capture the sunset but it was so beautiful

we found the last few dandelions of summer and had to blow them

October marked 10 years since John and I met. Can you believe it?!

Love this little pal of mine

Last signs of summer and first signs of fall

Just a candid iPhone shot of Charlie, but it encompasses him perfectly! I think it's one of my all-time favorite pictures I've ever taken of him. 


Trying to attempt a family picture- just the iPhone on the front lawn before church. Not the highest quality but I love it so much.

Charlie's luscious curls are starting to get thicker and more relaxed. SOB! This is after church, a few hours after a fresh bath and hair product and the curls are still there. Most days he looks like a total ragamuffin AND he hates to have his hair done, so I'm going to cut it short just to keep him looking presentable. I wish we lived in a humid climate!
A beautiful fall day at Anderson library exploring the grounds

I had to sneak this picture of Charlie at school with his amazing teacher, Austin. Most days are still difficult dropping Charlie off, but he loves Austin so much. This day, Charlie wasn't crying anymore, but he did want to be carried. And bless Austin's heart, he was carrying Charlie (just to the door) and also helping another little girl who was having a rough day. These teachers are SO amazing- completely unflappable. 

Park outing with cousins to Sugarhouse park


Emma- she kept saying, "Watch me, Barb!"

Beautiful fall day at preschool
 Steve, Sam, Johnny and I went to an Imagine Dragons with Fictionist concert. It was so fun to see all the fans packed in there and know many of them were being exposed to our friends Fictionist for the first time! And Imagine Dragons put on an amazing show as always. It was Sam's first concert!

Sam giving Robbie from Fictionist a high five 
with the lead singer of Fictionist, Stuart Maxfield (Johnny almost made it in that pic...)
with Brandon Kitterman, who blew me away by playing his guitar with a bow for one of their songs. What?! It was super cool. 
I kind of geeked out when I ran into Justin Hackworth in the hallway. He's an incredible local photographer who was there to shoot some pictures of Fictionist. I totally fangirled out on him. And I also gave him some peppermint oil to take home so he would stay awake- the concert was in Ogden and he lives 2 hours away in Provo. 

our pal Robbie Connolly from Fictionist

We continued progress on the backyard. One of the last projects of the summer was this massive sandbox that John built. The pavers were the base layer. We were racing against the clock and were grateful the snow stayed away as long as it did!

little pals holding hands- George will hold Charlie's hand when he won't hold mine. 

 We had a few cousin playdates with James and Emma this month. Chelsea is expecting (hooray!) but she is very sick (boo!) the first few months so lots of family members helped by hanging out with darling James and Emma. It wasn't a hardship by any means because they are so sweet and fun.

lots of fun with dress up hats this day

Emma found a nice little spot to sit :)

and when needed, we take a break with snacks, coloring and a show
 Grandma Sue puts together a fun photo/quote calendar every year and I realized we didn't have a lot of family pictures to represent our family in the second half of 2013. I asked Sam to snap a few and these were our favorites.

Whew! One more month down of catch up! I'm so grateful for this family record every time I look back on it. Thanks to anyone who also follows along. :)

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