Friday, September 02, 2011

Waiting game

No baby yet! My due date is next week and I've had a few days where I thought, "Today's the day!" only to have the regular, strong contractions peter out. Wah wah wahhhh. It's a little frustrating. Yesterday was one of those days- I canceled my dentist appointment (for a root canal, yuck) and John stayed home from work because I woke up contracting. I timed them and they were regular (every 5 minutes and 2 minutes long!) for two hours. But by 11 am the contractions had become less regular but I was uncomfortable all day. I even went to see The Help (for the second time!) with my mom, aunt, sister and sister-in-law but had to get up and walk around for half of the movie because I just couldn't sit there anymore. After a good night's sleep last night, today I haven't had any contractions! I remember this stage with Charlie and there were a lot of false starts then, too, but it's just annoying to go through it! The waiting game is the worst.

How are you doing?

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