Tuesday, September 27, 2011

George update

I always knew that I'd be very busy with two children and that one of the things that would fall by the wayside is taking pictures. It's a classic second child problem. But I underestimated how little I truly would photograph and write about George. For example, I wanted to take pictures of George with a stuffed animal every month- I wasn't going to attempt every week like I did with Charlie. But I haven't even purchased an stuffed animal for him yet, let alone taken any pictures! If you are reading this in the future, George honey, I really do love you as much as your brother.

 George is a very sweet and calm baby. He's been a pretty great sleeper and eater from the beginning. There are days where he'll sleep in 3-4 hour stretches and occasionally those stretches are even at night! Yay! He loves to be held or to snuggle up next to me while he's sleeping. He's acclimated to loud noises and the sounds of his boisterous big brother don't usually bother him.

 He's had a pretty bad rash in his diaper area that we are trying to get rid of. At his two week appointment, the doctor said it looked like heat rash, so I'm trying to dress him lightly and keep him dry and cool. I've also changed brands of diapers, tried cloth diapers, spent time with the diaper off outside and a few different diaper creams. So far, it's still there but the things that help it the most are plenty of naked time, frequent baths and keeping him cool. Poor little Georgie. He's still pretty content, even with a sad, ouchie bum. (Update: it ended up being a staph infection that needed antibiotic cream).

 At his two week appointment he weighed almost 10 lbs (9.94 lbs) which is the 82% percentile and was 21.75 inches long which is 84% percentile. We definitely think that he looks more like John's side of the family, which is fun because Charlie looks so much like me. He loves to find his hands and suck on them and does pretty well with the binkie and the bottle. We'll see if these things end up sticking!

One week old


  1. When my sister' newborn had a bad rash, the doctor told her to stop eating/drinking anything with citrus because the citric acid could be burning the babies bum. It went away when she stopped drinking orange juice every morning. George is perfect BTW

  2. Barb, you are a pro. it sounds like you already know and are doing all of the tricks to heal that little cutie bum. You are a champ and are doing such a great job taking care of your family! Plus Charlie and Georgie are so darling, well done!

  3. He's adorable! Love him! Congratulations!!


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