Friday, May 22, 2009

More Charlie Smiles

He's really getting the hang of smiling now! Every morning when he wakes up or when he gets up from his nap is the best time to catch some big grins from this little guy. Man, he's fun.


  1. CHARLIE FACE! I love you and miss you! What a darling smile you have, and those dimples...yep. you're a keeping in my book. You can tell that you love who ever it is that you're looking at, your Mommy perhaps? Photos 3 and 5 are my favorites! But 4 is really great too because it looks like you're about to wink. :)
    Keep them coming little C.

  2. I know that there must be some John in him somewhere, but those Spencer genes must be strong like the mighty oak!

  3. Oh my goodness, this kid just keeps getting cuter!! I didn't think that was possible! I can't wait to see him tonight!!

  4. cute!!! so the third picture down, that little smirk, looks just like you barbra!!! Way, way, cute.

  5. What a darling! It's great you're cherishing every moment!

  6. Little Charlie is so cute! Wow, I can't believe he's 8 weeks already. That's so fun when they start to smile and interact a little more.

  7. I LOVE it!! What a happy little guy!

  8. So glad that you are enjoying motherhood! I thought of you yesterday while I was in the throws of a sewing project...


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