Monday, May 04, 2009

Baby Charlie- 5.5 weeks

Things I want to remember about this rock star:

-He doesn't care for the binkie. It takes a lot of patient coaxing to get him to take it and if you rush the process he gags on it. Once he gets going, it sometimes makes him sleepy but to get really comfortable enough to go to sleep he has to spit it out.

-He weighs 13 pounds! He has grown out of a lot of his 0-3 month outfits and fits into a lot of his 3-6 month clothes.

-Yesterday during sacrament meeting I gave him a bottle and he was sucking and smacking so loudly that people were turning around to look at us. Oh well, it's better than a screaming, hungry baby!

-He's still so strong! He has been holding his head up since he was born and his head, neck, torso, arms and legs are getting even stronger!

-He loves having a bath, looking at bright lights, and sucking on his hands (when he can free them from his swaddle!)

-He's starting to get on a pretty regular schedule and he has two variations of it- one is the sleep for six hours at night variation and the other is... not.

-When he wakes up in the morning he's so happy and smiley. He will smile when I talk to him and is beginning to smile for Grandma Bev and Daddy, too.

My attempts at catching the smile (holding the camera still in one hand is hard...)

I love this little guy!


  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Hear that? That was me. I just Awwwww-ed out loud at my computer. Cute kiddo there, my dear.

  2. I love it Barb! That is a cute smile, and if you only captured part of it, I bet the entire thing is just adorable!! :) I loved your list of important traits of your bab! It's fun to see how many of those things are the same with our little one...they sound a lot alike! Wahoo for babies!

  3. Ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I LOVE it!!! I am smiling out my toes and ears now. I think he looks familiar, you know?

  4. so cute. I can see the smile for sure. he is such a cutie. We can't wait to see him when we get back! (or shortly after)


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