Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy Birthday, Catherine!!

Tomorrow (the 19th-which has already come in the UAE) is Catherine's 25th birthday and she's halfway around the world in the United Arab Emirates. I miss celebrating this big birthday with her!

I love Cat for so many reasons- she is kind, generous, talented, smart, willing to serve, and beautiful inside and out. Here are some other reasons why I love my Catherine:

1-She's my only sister (Maid of honor at my wedding, 2006)

2-She's a great spouse and she and Richard are some of our best friends (Sara's wedding, 2007)

3- She's my first choice of companion when I want to do something fun (Rascal Flatts concert, 2007)

4- She moves fun places and lets me come visit (Philadelphia, 2006)

5- She likes to make things fun (dressed up for the Summer Olympics in Beijing, 2008)

6- She travels across the world to be there for me- she came from Philly to be at our temple sealing and from the Middle East when the baby was born (John and Barb's sealing, 2007)

7- She knows how to party (Halloween, 2005)

8- She's a good sister (Steve and Kerry's wedding; 2000)

9- She loves to learn new things about different cultures (Back to Bethlehem primary activity, 2007)

10- She persevered until she graduated from the U of U (Utah vs. BYU game, 2008)

11- She makes the most delicious and beautiful chocolate cakes (Kerry's bday, 2008)

12- She has many talents, including making jewelry, that she shares with others (ward girls' camp, 2008)

13- She's fashionable (Cinco de Mayo, 2008)

14- She loves her in-laws (welcome home lunch at Cafe Rio with Ethingtons, 2007)

15- She's not afraid to dress like a Newsie (2007)
16- She will be an amazing mom one day (with Lily, 2006)

17- She's a good friend (Christine and Catherine, 1985 (?))

18- She's silly (2008)

19- She can always make me laugh (2006)

20- She's comfortable in any group (celebrating Christmas with MY in-laws, 2008)

21- She's adventurous! (the day she left for the United Arab Emirates, New Year's Eve, 2008)

22- She looks good as a blonde or brunette (2009)

23- She was the best aunt and sister ever when Charlie was born! (2009)

24- She helped me while I was learning to be a mom (Easter 2009)

25- She's my best friend (Philadelphia, 2007)

I love you, Cat! If you have the pleasure of knowing Catherine, leave a birthday message for her in the comments!


  1. Yay!!!! This is the best post ever! Thanks for the wonderful birthday wishes! I loved seeing your top 25 reasons along with the photos to go along, how funny some of them are, I LOVE IT! How fun to go down memory lane, thanks Barbs! You are SUCH a fabulous sister and friend to me. I love you!

  2. What a cute post Barb. Best of wishes Catherine for an awesome birthday! I always thought you were so fair and honest in our good ol' senate meetings. Or was it Assembly?? Anyway, you're a gem-Happy Birthday!!

  3. Is it wrong that I just yelled "SU CASA!" at my screen scaring the crap out of the moosh?
    Happy Birthday pretty lady.

  4. So sweet! I tried not to tear up! You two were so wonderful to my two younger daughters when we were getting to know you in 2000. They love you dearly and think you're the greatest. (So do I.)Thanks for making them feel so welcome. Happy Birthday Catherine. Hug your family from us (a both-cheeked hug). The Clifts love you and appreciate the love in both of your hearts that you show to us. Again, Happy Birthday!


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