Monday, March 22, 2010

John to the power of 2

We spent the weekend celebrating John and his 32nd birthday! He was most excited that he was turning a power of two (2 to the fifth power to be exact). Love that geeky boy!

(John sporting his sexy moustache leftover from his winter beard)

I love this man. He is good, kind-hearted, hardworking and loves me and Charlie a lot. What else could a girl want?


  1. Happy birthday to your husband hun!! Looks like you guys had a blast..all the best!

  2. Anonymous11:07 AM

    You guys are so stinking cute!!! We'll have you up for a BBQ as so as the weather stays nice! ;0)

  3. Have a wonderful birthday week, John! We'll be wishing you a week of fun, giggles and joy. Love, Marty and Peggy


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