Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Charlie- 11 months

Whoopsie! I just realized that I never posted an 11 month update for the little Cheby.

Here's part of a letter I wrote recently to his Uncle Sam, currently serving a mission for our church in Louisiana.

Little Charlie is becoming more independent and curious! He's been really interested in opening cupboards and drawers and exploring this big house. He just found the sewing cupboard, for example and thinks it's so fun to open and shut that little door (just his size!) He's also tall enough to reach things on the kitchen table, so I need to be more careful about what I leave sitting out!

He's a fast crawler still and his standing is getting much better! He can sit down now without falling- he just slowly lowers his little bum down. Darling. And he's a champ on stairs. Especially at Chelsea's house where they are in plain view- he and James have little races climbing up the stairs. (Still learning how to go down, that's trickier).

Yesterday I went to pick him up from Grandma T's house where he had been while I was at school. As soon as he saw me, he dropped what he was doing and started crawling for me and said, "Mom." It was the first time he's said Mama without crying! It was so purposeful! He's also getting better at "talking"- he babbles in conversational tones. Yesterday, Grandpa T was playing with him and then left the room. Charlie stood up against the couch and started "calling" out to Grandpa in little baby babbles. It was so cute!

He loves to play the drums, have someone chase him, playing ball, and taking baths and showers. He's very interested in watching the cars outside and unloading the dishwasher, too. He's decided that baby food is gross and will only eat "real" food now- toast, cottage cheese, cooked veggies, crackers, mashed potatoes, meatloaf, etc.- and he especially loves eating off of our plates.

We so enjoyed having my dad come visit, and now Catherine and Richard are here, too. We're enjoying the warmer weather and have been working in the yard a little bit here and there. Charlie loves to be outside but has forgotten about grass, and is a little apprehensive about it!

We had a pretty good month without sickness (until this week) which was such a relief! Charlie has become absolutely smitten with other children and babies- he loves them so much (maybe even a little too enthusiastically!)

Here's some more pictures and highlights!

-Enjoying every second of Grandpa's visit! By the end of dad's week-long visit, Charlie even said "Papa" once!

-Figuring out through trial and error that his hamper is not a tunnel...

-His teeth finally broke through- now he has two top and two bottom! We affectionately call him our little Snaggletooth!

-Eating his latest food conquest- small veggies! He loves to pick the lima beans out of the mixed vegetables- just like his Aunt Catherine did as a baby!

We love our little guy! I can't believe he's almost one! Where has the time gone??

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