Saturday, March 20, 2010

Charlie signs "more"

We've been teaching Charlie "baby sign" for awhile and finally one of the signs clicked! He now signs "more" and "all done".


  1. cute! baby signing is the best, Mason ending learning at least 50 signs (and he made up some himself) it is so nice to be able to communicate with them. He is too cute

  2. aww baby signing!! I watched twins who would do some signs because they couldn't speak that well...adorable! He's so cute hun!

  3. Before my niece passed away, she knew a lot of sign language! So this brought back some good memories of "more"....She loved to sign "MORE"!!
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Do you have the signing time dvd's? I have them, and you could borrow them. i think they are great! My kids all learned a ton of signing. It's fun!


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