Saturday, July 25, 2009

Charlie- 4 months old (17 weeks)

Today, Charlie is 4 months old! I can hardly believe it! I still remember the details of his birth vividly and how it felt to hold him in my arms for the first time (he felt so heavy! And solid!) and how I recognized him as soon as I saw him. I still feel like I am on a high from his birth- I felt empowered and strong- and from bringing home my baby and from taking on this new mantle called "Mother".

I am so proud to be his mother and I relish the motherly instincts that I can feel steering my decisions. I am Charlie's mom and I am finding that I really DO know what is best for him. I need to remind myself of that truth more, especially in those moments when I find myself second guessing my mother's intuition (usually after reading a parenting book of some sort).

I am really enjoying parenthood and I really get a kick out of watching John as a dad. He is alternately so tender and fun with Charlie. I love watching him soothe him when he cries- he holds Charlie close to his chest and bends his face down to Charlie's face until they are nose-to-nose. He also makes Charlie laugh and squeal with delight by almost, but not quite tossing him in the air (not quite tossing, because he knows Charlie isn't ready for that). No matter how hard I try, I can't elicit that same response when I do it- I guess it's Daddy's special touch that makes it so fun!

I even got a glimpse of John as the disciplinarian yesterday when he put a misbehaving Lily on time-out. He was stern and firm and did it just right and I was really surprised to see him do it! I didn't know he had it in him! Normally he lets that job fall to someone else and rightly so, but I was proud of him and confidant in his future role as a firm but loving father.

Charlie is the best thing in our lives and we thank Heavenly Father for sending him to us in every moment.

(Charlie's shirt reads, "I'm a really big deal." We tend to agree.)

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