Monday, July 13, 2009

Charlie- 15 weeks

Charlie weighs 18 lbs. now and seems to keep growing bigger by the minute! He's really good at grabbing things and getting them to his mouth, it is so funny to watch him do it, he's got the most intense concentration on his face.

His latest trick is blowing raspberries. It is so funny because he will work and work on it and finally get his mouth to do it! In the process he usually works up some pretty big spit bubbles.

We bought a Moby wrap because Che is getting very heavy in the Baby Bjorn. Johnny loves wearing it around and together they kind of look like a two-headed monster. It also makes Charlie's ears stick out in the cutest way!


  1. OMG that baby is so fat and cute!

  2. Amelia JUST broke 20 lbs! That's hilarious that he weighs 18 lbs! I love the one with his mouth in the "oh"! SO cute!

  3. he is so dang cute! i can't believe how big he is and how much he just looks like both of you! What a sweety! I miss you guys, we need to get together!


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