Monday, February 16, 2009

Can we just strap some roller skates on the car seat?

Hello, friends. I am calling on your collective wisdom and experience to help me decide on a very important decision: which stroller should we buy? I know the world will not end if we don't choose the right one, but between my nesting instinct and my pregnancy hormones, it seriously feels like it will. I think we have narrowed it down to three options. Let it be known that John has his mind made up on which one he likes, but I am still undecided. And since I am the one who will most likely be using the stroller most often, I really have to make a decision that I feel good about. (And I have to make it soon, this is the group gift that we are receiving at one of our showers on the 28th).

First option: The B.O.B. jogger stroller.

Pros: It can be converted to a bike trailer, it can convert to accommodate a car seat, it's sturdy, the wheels pivot, it has shocks and real tires, and it looks cool.

Cons: We'd have to buy a separate car seat plus the adapter pieces, the tires can go flat, not a lot of storage space.

Second option: Graco Quattro Tour Deluxe

Pros: *Affordable-includes car seat in price, can close with one hand, lightweight, wheels won't ever get flat, has independent brakes, lots of storage, it's John's favorite.

Cons: I don't like the look of it, it seems big to me, hard to open with one hand, may eventually need/want a jogger in addition.

Third option: Chicco Cortina Travel System Explorer

Pros: Can buy it as a complete travel system, compact, cleaner lines than the Graco, can close with one hand.

Cons: As far as I can tell, the weight limit is lower than the others, may eventually need a jogger.

I'd be very interested to hear your experience with any of the above strollers, what you love/hate about your stroller, what you wish you had known, etc. in the comments. Or to be more straightforward, I've also added a quiz so you can vote for the one you like the best! Don't be biased by the fabric/color choices because there are more options than the ones pictured.

*We are lucky enough to be receiving our stroller as a group gift from one of our showers, so price difference between these three is not much of a hindrance.


  1. I totally stressed about the perfect stroller as well! I have heard really great things about the BOB and the others are great too, I'm sure. I'm actually selling my stroller because we couldn't bring it with us to the Caribbean. Check it out: the Britax Vigour - if you're interested, let me know. It has a matching car seat that switches out and I LOVED IT!!! It was great for us. Good luck making your decision :)

  2. We bought the baby trend snap and go. It's basically just a frame that can hold the car seat of you choice. It's super cheap and super light weight and you can use it until the wee one grows out of the infant seat. Then you can get your jogger or whatever. I wouldn't recommend a travel system as the strollers tend to be a bit bulky. Good luck!

  3. Chicco Cortina travel system (the green and silver I think it is the discovery) and I love it! the weight limit for me was 22 lbs and Mason could be in it for the first year and he was a big baby. The stroller is nice and sturdy with good storage and easy to fold up. The only downside for me is that the car seat was pretty heavy and Mason was pretty big, but I am a strong gal so it was ok.

  4. Barb! I have the BOB and I absolutely LOVE it! I go on walks with friends and everyone is always jealous of how easially it glides. Tucker always falls asleep in it and I'm so so happy we have it! That being said, it is pretty big. It folds up nicely to fit in our SUV but it's a much tighter squeeze in smaller cars. If you plan on doing a lot of walking or jogging it's a must buy..if not maybe opt for something else. We actually got a smaller stroller to for the airport/ mall just because the BOB is so big. But I highly recommend it, I know you'd love it :) Good luck, you're right it's a hard decision with all those options out threre!!

  5. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I have a graco that I used with Ella but then we had Charlie and I bought a Peg Perego double stroller. I HATED it and about a year later we bought a Phil and Ted's that I LOVE!!! That is just a really long way for me to tell you that I think what stroller you get is important... it gets used almost every day. Anyway, I would go with the BOB. I hear people that have them really like them.

  6. I,too, would go with the BOB. However, you're also gonna want a smaller stroller for those places that you won't want such a bulky stroller. Good luck!

  7. I have no kids, therefor no stroller experience. But my sister in law got a combi because it is so ligthweight, and is also a travel system.

  8. Honestly, you think this stuff matters but it really doesn't. I have a graco one and LOVED that if Stone fell asleep in the car that I could just click the car seat into the stroller and off we go. After about 5 tries you can definitely open it with one hand and a foot. :)
    I did get a jogging stroller at a garage sale for 30 bucks and hardly ever use it (keep in mind I just ran a marathon and needed lots and lots of running practice). Ironic, I know.

    I don't have a BOB but have heard that they are the best. I kind of secretly boycotted them and my stroller life has been great despite my lack of bob.

    Anyway, do whatever you want, but I guess I just am not the type of person to take my kid on a walk every single day. Like once or twice a week does the trick for me.

  9. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Sounds like either way you will be buying SOMETHING extra. Either a jogging stroller if you buy a travel system or a car seat if you buy the BOB. If you will be jogging most, buy the BOB. But if you will be walking around malls/neighborhood most, get the travel system. What I would even suggest is to just get one of those frames to put your carseat in and then use an umbrella stroller once the Cub can sit up by himself. I have a travel system and I never use the stroller part- too much hassel. I just use an umbrella stroller when I am at the mall or whatever- it's lighter and easier. I have an actual jogging stroller for outdoors but 99% of the time I skip the stroller altogether and I use the baby bjorn/baby backpack for walks and stuff. Much easier.

  10. Big wheels are good because they don't get stuck on bumps. But you can have my old jogging stroller if you want to have two kinds. (I was a fan of our... what was it... a Graco? Because I could fold it up with one hand and throw it in the back of the car all while holding the baby.)

  11. I have a jogger with a pivot wheel and love it. I hated the flat tires, but then I got tires with the goop in them and haven't really had a problem since. It is great because it gives me a choice if I want to jog, or even just walk on a trail or dirt road, it is easy to push on a beach too. I just bought a $20 umbrella stroller that I keep in the car for shopping and stuff. Plus, I ended up buying a bike trailer too, so that it great that it converts!

  12. We also have the Baby Trend Snap and Go. I LOVE it because it is very lightweight and our car seat snaps into it. I don't recommend getting the travel systems because I think they are too big and bulky and you will be lifting that stroller A LOT so you want something light. Sorry to add to your confusion.

  13. My Bro and sister-in-law LOVE the bob! They are a little heavy but really easy to unfold, plus buy the additional attachment with cup holders and you've got it made!! Seriously this is what we would buy if it was a little more compact for the city!!!

  14. That is so great that you met my boss. If I was in Utah I would love to work at the Utah Capitol. So cool!

  15. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Being the expert that I am, I would like to tell you why I voted for the Graco. I like the polka dots. That's basically it. Heh heh heh.


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