Saturday, November 15, 2008

Proposition 8

My pal and fab blogger, Casey, has a great post up over at Moosh in Indy about California's Proposition 8. I encourage you all to check it out! I left a comment about how I feel about the brouhaha surrounding the passage of Prop 8:

I think there are a lot of strong feelings on both sides of this issue, but respect and love for family are at the heart of both sides as well. I would posit the question, do protests and threats and sweeping generalizations about any group of people accurately represent the values of respect and love?? I think not!


  1. Barb!! Hi! I was just looking at your blog, you probably don't remember me, but my maiden name is Julie Snyder..congrats on the baby boy! My husband and I just had one 3 weeks ago and they are the BEST!! You will love being a mom and you will be an awesome one :) We have a blog, but it's private email me your email address and I'll add you to our list! Congrats again, he'll be here before you know it! YAY! Oh my email is

  2. Barb,
    Thanks for posting that, it is a great point of view.


Thanks for your comment!