Sunday, September 28, 2008

To rent or Dubai...

photo source Abu Dhabi

Lame title, I know, but let's move on.

My parents are moving back East... waaay East. The Middle East to be precise. And they'll be there for four years. I know, it's a little crazy.

About three weeks ago, my dad was asked to travel to Abu Dhabi, one of the city-states in the United Arab Emirates (Dubai is another city), for a consultation. He evaluated their current higher education system and wrote a report recommending that a director be hired to oversee the creation of a more structured system. The sheik liked the report and my dad and offered him the job. It is a huge honor- a real career topper- and my parents are very excited for this opportunity.

My dad leaves for UAE on October 9th, a mere 10 days away (my mom will join him in November). Of course everyone in my family will miss my parents, but with my crazy pregnancy hormones, I find myself crying over this at least once daily. Seriously, I am a basket case.

Putting my uncontrollable emotions aside, I am so proud of my dad for achieving this awesome pinnacle of his career. And I admire my parents for going on this incredible adventure. We are planning to take a few trips to visit them and see that part of the world and we're really looking forward to it! They will also be back to visit at least once a year- my mom is already planning on coming when the baby is born in March.

We are going to live in their house until they get back which we are grateful for- it will be nice to have a little more room than just our little apartment for when we become a three-person family. We are busy working on house projects before we move over to the main part of the house from the mother-in-law apartment, so if I have been a flaky friend recently, that is why. It is a giant puzzle to figure out where everything and everyone is going to go (Cat & Richard, and my Aunt Barbara are going to keep living here, too.) My life has been turned upside down in the last month (or three if you count the pregnancy).

I would appreciate any words of wisdom for those of you who have had parents far away, especially when you were having a baby. I feel very supported and loved by my siblings, my ward, my friends, and John's wonderful parents, but I know I will be missing my mom and dad a lot.


  1. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Personally, I liked the title. Good luck to Mark and Bev!!

  2. Advice: don't try to drive to Dubai. When I was pregnant and I missed my mom all crazy, I'd try to drive to California in the middle of the night but would only end up in the middle of the desert (with no cell service and no hospitals) having insane contractions.

    driving to Dubai would be even riskier.

  3. I liked the blog post title, too, but I'm kind of nerdy that way. I'm in a different boat because I'm the one who moved away, but I miss my parents (and entire rest of the family) all the time and I call and email them often. I hope they get cell phone service in the Middle East! What an awesome opportunity and adventure for your parents!

  4. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I know what you're going through! Having my parents gone for 3 years was rough. Granted, I didn't have a baby...but I didn't have a husband, either, and that made things harder. Amazingly, my relationship with my parents got even closer, even though they were so far away. I called them a lot more than my siblings, emailed, & webcammed. I hate to say it, but get used to crying about it for a while - but it WILL get better! I promise! :) Of course, holidays & other fun family things bring some of the sadness back, but it does help to surround yourself with your family...

  5. Just let yourself cry! When I was pregnant I would cry if our apartment was messy so at least you have a good reason for it. :)

  6. It is SO not fun being pregnant or having a new baby without your mom around. I'm glad to hear that you are planning on visiting them. I definitely won't be seeing my parents in Nigeria but they will only be gone for 2 years. I'm sure skype will be your best friend. It was awesome when my parents were in Hong Kong but sadly, I can't web cam with them in Nigeria (too many issues with the Internet there). Anyway, that's exciting for your parents!

  7. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Oh Barb, I know all too well what you are feeling. It was pure heartache when we had to tell Jeff's parents their first grandchild was coming while they would be in Brazil. Even though she's my mother in law, I love her like she was my 2nd mom. I think I've been more upset about them being gone then Jeff. I still cry, and the pregnancy hormones for sure don't help. All I can say is Skype has saved us - we talk via the webcam at least once a week. Good luck!

  8. Congratulations, Barbie! To you AND to your parents. It sounds like a real adventure for all of you!! We miss you all!

  9. oh boy! that is so exciting for your parents! my parents are only a 14 hour drive from me but it feels really far most of the time! i had ella while i lived close to my mom and charlie while we were away. honestly, in a lot of ways it was good for me to not have my mom to cling to when charlie was born. she was there for 2 weeks (which was so important because i really need help that first little while) but once she left i realized i had to do it on my own. it was so different than when i had ella. with ella i let myself depend on my mom but with charlie i got up and got on with it. for some reason that worked better for me. anyway, the moral of my really long story is that you will do great! it will be great to have her here when the baby is born!!! you will also do great when she has to go (even though if you are anything like me you will cry like a baby!) but you will get on with it and realize what a great time you are about to embark on! i hope that makes sense!

  10. I know the feeling. I know that in the end your relationship will only grow because you can't take advantage of them there all the time! You are so strong and just think...Dubai is the coolest place on earth to save up and visit!!!
    PS congrats again!! I am so excited for you! (The prego thing that is..)

  11. Trust me, I know what it is like to have a parent in the middle east - my dad has been in israel for 2 years. here is what i have learned

    1) believe in the time change and follow it... middle of the night phone calls suck (on both sides)

    2) they are only a phone call or am email away.

    3) get skype!

    4) use it as an excuse to travel

    5) they happier you are, the happier they will be

    6) enjoy it (and milk it...)

  12. hey.. i dont have your phone number and i want to call you can you e-mail it to me?

  13. SKYPE! That is the best advice I can give you. A free unlimmited long distance phone service through the internet. What an awesome thing for your parents!


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