Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A little bit of baby stuff

Thanks everyone for the well wishes and congratulations!

We are so excited and really glad to have the news out there.

I am a little over 12 weeks and we have known for about 8 weeks.

I am due March 27th, 2009.

I have been feeling sick which led me to drop a lot of my classes.

Morning sickness and my crazy 22 hour load were not compatible.

I am finally beginning to feel better and hopefully I have left my nauseated days behind me.

Everyone has been so supportive and wonderful and happy for us.

John's parents are especially excited- this will be their first grandchild and they are thrilled!


  1. Congratulations! How fun for the two of you! Good luck with the morning sickness, I'm glad you're feeling better already.

  2. I'm so glad for you. I just can't stop smiling. Jordan is thrilled too!

  3. HOLY COW! I stop checking blogs for 1 day and look what happens!!! I am so excited for you! Look at all the exclamations! Plus, I have been making tons of spelling errors because I am so happy for you! (of course, I do know how to use the delete button)

    Whew! Happy Day!

  4. I am thrilled for you too! Your baby is going to adorable!

  5. Congrats - we're excited for you guys. And a 22 credit-hour load is not good for anybody.

  6. oh my gosh I am so happy for you! yeah to be preggers! (and I think I am seriously taking your advice and going to be Sarah Palin for halloween!) love you barb! (ps way to keep the baby thing a secret!)

  7. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Hooray for baby Thornton! I COULDN'T tell at ALL how EXCITED you WERE from this POST. Hope you feel better soon!

  8. Hooooorrayyyyyyyyyyyy! I am so thrilled for you! I am hoping and praying your morning sickness subsides, but if it doesn't (like it didn't for me.. twice) remember at the end you get a BEAUTIFUL gorgeous DARLING yummy smelling baby. All worth it. Congratulations! ! ! ! !

  9. Congrats Barb! How exciting! Now we can hang out during the day as moms. I've been waiting.

  10. Yea!!! How exciting. . .your life will never be the same again. . .in a good way. Good luck with the pregnancy and keep us updated!

  11. March 27, 2009 is Amelia's 1 year birthday! It's SO much better to be pregnant in the winter than in the summer. (Although I wouldn't know for sure since I've never been pregnant in the summer...) Congrats again!

  12. Oh my goodness! Congratulations! The second trimester is definitely the best one so enjoy it as much as you can!!

  13. yay, congratulations!

  14. I AM SO SO excited for you!! Congrats!!!

  15. Ooh, barf. Sorry you're not feeling well, I'll send you all of my non barf healthy juju's

  16. BARB!! I feel for ya sweetie! I am due on the 25th of March!! Wahoo for march babies!!! Hang in there!!!


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