Monday, January 21, 2008


I can hardly believe that John and I have been married for two years! Time has just flown by! John's kindness, intelligence, sense of humor, and love are all I could ever hope for in a spouse. He always tells me, "At the end of the day, every day, I love my wife." It's his affirmation that no matter what kind of day he's had or I've had or if we're going through a hard time, that there's no where else he'd rather be. I feel the same way! Whatever obstacles life has presented to us, we have tackled them together and come out the other side stronger for it. I know we will continue to grow and learn and struggle and succeed together and I'm looking forward to it!

I love you, Johnny, and I'm so happy that I'm married to you!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm glad that I get to be related to you guys is some distant way that we haven't really looked at! You are the best!

  2. congratulations and happy anniversary! ;-)

  3. Happy Anniversary! Sounds like you guys are just perfect for each other!

  4. Yea!! Happy Anniversary!

  5. Happy anniversary you two! You make a wonderful couple. I am so glad to be friends with you.

  6. oh my goodness! happy anniversary!

  7. Happy Anniversary!!! You look beautiful in those pictures!

  8. Someone once told me that marriage isn't fun till after 2 years. Maybe because you have so many inside jokes by then.

  9. Grats! LOL--2 yrs. U2 R Freaking Amazing.

    In a good way.

  10. Happy (gag) anniversary (gag) I'm so (gag) happy for (gag) you.


    I love you both to little bitty pieces dipped in sauce.


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