Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Capitol Re-Dedication Ceremony

DISCLAIMER** I know that I am turning into the biggest political nerd and it's probably boring you guys to death, but that's just the price of being my friend.**

(Photo by Tom Smart, Deseret Morning News)

Some of you know I have a new job working for the Utah State House of Representatives. I am going to be the Media Relations person for the Majority Caucus and house leadership. (Mmm, kay, what??) Translation: whenever a legislator wants to hold a press conference, I will make it happen. I am excited about this new opportunity!

Last Friday, I was invited to the Senate breakfast at the Grand America. It was a fancy affair, with VIPs everywhere. The most amazing part was that I actually knew some of the people there!! Then after that, I headed over the the Capitol. I volunteered as an usher for the Re-Dedication Ceremony.

(Photo by Tom Smart, Deseret Morning News)

It was an incredible experience! The Mormon Tabernacle choir, the Orchestra at Temple Square, Bell Choirs, the International Children's choir, the Madeline School Choir and the 23rd Army brass band were there to provide INCREDIBLE music! I had a great view of the proceedings from the 4th floor balcony (right above the stage). The acoustics were amazing in the rotunda and it was so fun to look into the audience and see people I knew (or recognized).
(Photo by Tom Smart, Deseret Morning News)

The governor was there, along with Secretary Leavitt, the First Presidency, clergy from other churches, all the legislators and Supreme Court of Utah Justices, former governors... the list goes on and on! President Hinckley invoked the Dedicatory Prayer on the new building.

(Photo by Tom Smart, Deseret Morning News)
I didn't find out until later that the body of a construction worker had been found during the ceremony! What a sad (and kind of freakish) thing!


  1. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Congrats on the new job, Barb! Looks like the rededication was really cool (apart from the corpse of course- yikes).

  2. How exciting to start a new job! Sounds like a lot of fun and I'm sure you'll do a fantastic job! :)

  3. Wow, that looks like such a big event! That is pretty creepy though that something entirely different was going on there at the same time, Good luck with the new job!


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