Sunday, March 02, 2014

Halloween 2013

 I wanted to be Lucille Ball for Halloween for a whole year. I bought a Lucy wig last year on clearance in preparation. Unfortunately, I never tried it on until Halloween Day and it was way too small. :( So I frantically did my best to fix my hair like hers and it turned out pretty well. It was a crazy day of rushing back and forth to Charlie's school then running over to John's work party then hitting a few houses for trick or treating and our neighbor's potluck dinner. We literally only stopped at five houses and had the kids in bed by 7- it felt so good.

Waahhh, Ricky!

John was a great sport to dress up like Ricky Ricardo all day at work. It is hard to guess that outfit without your Lucy by your side! He ended up modifying his work ID badge to say Ricky Ricardo, with a picture of Ricky on it with John's glasses added on top. Nice work. 

Ricky and Lucy, and two little dragons (one had already disrobed partially already)

Getting ready to trick or treat at Daddy's office. There were a few people there (who happened to be from Japan) who were dressed up like Mario, Luigi and Toad and Charlie was in heaven following them around!

My parents stopped by to see the kids and went trick or treating with us. It was so fun to see them, even though my kids were exhausted and half undressed by then. 

A few days before Halloween we had a pumpkin carving party with the Thorntons. The boys and I worked on the guts that afternoon in preparation. George didn't like it, and neither did Charlie. Charlie was clever enough to ask for a pair of gloves to wear! Then he was a great helper. 

Our neighbors have this scarecrow on a rod with pumpkin head that moves in the wind. It freaked both kids out, although by the end of October, Charlie had his courage up enough to run up to it and then run right back. 

What's in your mouth, Che?


Posing in his skeleton jammies from last year. He barely squeezed into them this year and he loved that they glow in the dark. :)

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