Monday, February 18, 2013

Charlie's first day of preschool

Charlie's first day of preschool was kind of bumpy but he survived (and so did I). He was sick with a cold the week before and so we missed the preview day (a Thursday) where the parents went through the whole day with their preschooler. I was just sick about it, but I called the preschool and they assured me that he would be fine and I could sit with him the first few days if he needed. He recovered from his cold over the weekend and we prepared for his first official day of preschool on Wednesday (he goes to school Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, but they had Monday off for Labor Day). 

 When Wednesday came, however, I was extremely sick with a stomach virus. I could barely stand for a minute or two at a time. John was just settling into his new job in Provo and felt like he couldn't miss any more work. So it was the grandparents to the rescue! Grandma Sue came to take Charlie to his first day of preschool and was prepared to stay with him all day, but he loved the classroom and his teachers so she didn't need to stay. I was so worried about my little guy, but I was so grateful to have great support from both sets of parents to make it through those next few days. I needed help getting him to school on Thursday, too, and gratefully my parents took a turn.

 I literally dragged myself out of bed to get Charlie ready for school. I staggered outside in my bathrobe to take these pictures while we waited for Grandma Sue. My neighbor walked by and I sheepishly explained why I was in my underwear and robe with no shoes on. (She was very understanding and offered her help, by the way).

I mean, look at that face! He's so darling, I could just die. 

A few weeks later it was our turn to do the "spotlight" on our family, and I got to spy on Charlie a little bit while he was in class. I was so glad I got to see him in the classroom because I was still so sad to miss out on the preview day with him. He definitely likes to do his own thing and often can be found playing with toys on his own instead of participating in circle time or the craft. This day he was interested in painting the letter of the week with paint dots. I love that look of concentration on his face!

Playing with a stacking toy in the Orange room

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