Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happy 4 years!

Tomorrow is our fourth anniversary! We have now officially been married longer than we dated. :)

I love this good man and I have loved seeing him as a father this year. It's no wonder than one of Charlie's first and favorite words is "Dad."

Here's some of our "greatest hits":

-Our healthy, beautiful, life-altering, joy-filled, sweet, funny baby boy

-Great concerts, including Coldplay, Muse, Sara Bareilles, Ingrid Michaelson, Keane, The Police, and Sarah McLaughlin

(Coldplay, 2008)

-Memorable trips to London; Austin, Texas, New York City; Philadelphia; Chicago; Las Vegas; Disneyland; Sun Valley, Idaho; and Moab, Utah

(London, 2006)

-Dozens of birthday dinners (including family members)

(here we are on my 21st birthday)

-8 Halloweens
(as trailer trash in 2003)

-Hundreds of dates
(all dressed up for U of U Homecoming 2003)

-and 5 bands, 2 campaigns, 2 legislative sessions, 3 cars, 7 moves, 13 jobs, 6.5 years serving in Primary, 2 nephews and 1 niece

It's been a great life so far and I'm looking forward to a whole lifetime more! Love you, Johnny!!


  1. congratulations!! xoxo

  2. Congratulations you guys!!! You are an incredibly dynamic couple and I love that we're related!

    Have a wonderful anniversary,


  3. Yay! Happy Anniversary you too! You two are so wonderful together and I LOVE getting to call Johnny T family. These are some great pictures too. Barb, that 21st birthday pic is so great! Love you

  4. Happy Anniversary! What fun photos to document your life together. I hope your special day is grand and glorious with many more to come.

  5. Happy Anniversary! We are so fortunate to know you guys!

  6. happy anniversary beautiful Barbara! your husband is a lucky lucky man:)

  7. Wow that is incredible! I can't believe all the adventures you've had! I hope you have more (well, maybe they can release you from Primary sometime soon!)

  8. Happy Anniversary...! May many more adventures and good times be on there way for you! Your little guy is so cute by the way...all the best!

  9. you two are so cute!! I am so jealous of the Sarah McLaughlin concert!! SOMEDAY!! haha

  10. Happy anniversary, you guys!


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