Friday, January 29, 2010

Following my Bliss

So, do you ever feel discouraged because you aren't the best at something? I often find myself not wanting to pursue something because I am not ever going to live up to the ideal I see in my head, or on the page in front of me, or (especially) on someone's blog. Which is silly, I know, but I still feel like my efforts aren't going to be validated or valued because they aren't good enough. Or maybe not as good as they could be. This is my fear. My other fear, which is very much related, is that I won't be taken seriously. My hobbies and dreams are not unique and in the last few years, they have become so commonplace as to almost become cliche. I don't want to be cliche or common. (Who does???)

* * *

I was at lunch with two delightful friends (Mel and Carolyn) whom I don't see often enough. We were reconnecting and reminiscing, telling funny stories and catching up. The lunch was winding down and I was beginning to feel the tug to get back to my baby when Mel asked me a question that pierced right to my heart and made it crack wide open. "Barbie," she said, (she calls me Barbie as only a very select and elect few do), "What do you want to be when you grow up?" What surprised me most was not what I said but how easily it came forth, as if I'd been waiting for someone to ask me that very question.

* * *

I spent my early twenties (*gulp*) pursuing interests that brought me measures of happiness for a season. I tried lots of different jobs in different fields. I slowly kept working on my degree, changing my major once. I was in a process of elimination- learning what I liked and disliked about myself, my work, my hobbies and changing as I learned. I worked on my relationships with John, with myself, with my family, with God.

Now that I am in my late twenties (*double gulp*) and have become a mother, I feel like my time is so much more valuable. It is not mine alone anymore. The things I choose to invest time in often mean time away from my family, so they had better be worth it to me!

* * *

The question was still hanging in the air when I answered Mel.

"I want to be a mom and have a million kids. I want to be home when my kids get home from school. I want their friends to want to hang out at my house. I want to feed everyone."

That part was easy to admit. I am a motherer and my friends know that about me. The next part was scarier to say out loud.

"And I want to be a photographer. And a blogger. Like, a professional blogger."

Even in my safe little circle of friends who have known me since I was an awkward, loud thirteen-year-old, I was afraid to hear their response. There it is again, that fear. My beautiful, talented, smart, accomplished friends were nothing but encouraging which gave me a glimmer of courage.

Enough courage to write this post. Enough courage to register for my first blogging conference.


  1. I love those ladies and appreciate your honesty. I wish you well at the conference - it sure sounds exciting. You'll have to post a full report.

  2. Barb, that is great! good luck in your ventures. Don't worry about being the best, wouldn't you rather be pretty good at a lot of things than really good at one thing?

  3. I loved this post! Your so honest and I love it. And I love you!

  4. I'm not surprised, at all, and I mean that in a good way. You have always been a profound and entertaining writer and you also have a talent for photography and creativity. You are easy to relate to and bring an interesting point of view. These are the reasons why I'm not surprised. I thought you would naturally go this way, having more an more people discover your blog and love to read it.
    Now that you have really decided to pursue it, I know you'll succeed. You will have readers, and you will excel at this because you love it. Go Barb!

  5. hits soooo close to home in sooo many levels! you are amazing!! Thank you for being an incredible example to me! you always have been and always will be!

  6. I am so happy that you registered for that conference. So brave!

  7. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Hello there, my dearest Barbie! I am so proud of you. There are so many of us who are already your biggest fans... I can't wait for everyone else to become one too. Love ya lots- you will do great! Maybe I can be you when I grow up.

  8. You can do it! Hooray! Good for you for taking that step, Barb. That's awesome and you are perfect for it. One day my comment will be just one of hundreds on your blog :)

  9. I agree to all of the above. :) I'm already a fan! :)


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