Friday, January 29, 2010

Charlie- 10 months

Wow, Charlie boy, you are growing and changing so much every day! You are getting really good at standing up- I've even caught you standing without holding onto anything a few times! You can cruise along furniture superbly but sometimes you forget how to sit down again and have to call out for some help. You still love balls, music, water, pots and pans, peekaboo, chase, brooms, showers, and baths. The first thing you say to me in the morning when you wake up is "Ba!" You love the vacuum, even when it isn't on you will crawl right to it and want to touch every (dirty) part of it. You have started to screech and scream when you don't get your way which we don't particularly enjoy.

We've had a rough winter- several colds, croup, and stomach flu. You are sick again right now with a cold but you still try so hard to be pleasant. You really wail when I wipe your booger-y nose, though- sorry about that, buddy.

This past month you started biting me while nursing which led to some yelling out in pain (on my part) and tears (on your part). One time you even drew blood! After researching in the Nursing Mother's Handbook, I determined you probably were feeling some teething pain and were biting me to try to alleviate it. Upon investigation, I saw two GIGANTIC bulges on your upper gum where your front teeth are coming in. We were more diligent with the Baby Orajel and let you bite on other things. One of your top teeth finally broke through, so that helps, too. You are still trying to break that other top tooth, so I've been pumping and you've been having bottles until you are less bite-y.

Here's some other fun things you like to do:

You love to vacuum with Daddy

Crawling in your tunnel from IKEA

Playing the drums- still a favorite activity. Daddy bought you some "kid sticks" that are smaller and lightweight and you LOVE them.

You love this bucket, and all of the mops and brooms. You'll push them around or crawl with them in your hands. Grandma stepped it up and gave you a ride IN the bucket. Good times.

We love you, little man!

1 comment:

  1. I love that little hint of a smile in the last photo, very cute.


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