Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Paper Chain Advent Calendar

Look at this GREAT paper chain advent calendar that Marie at Makes and Takes created for her family. I love the idea of an advent calendar but making one or finding an inexpensive but not tacky one have both seemed like impossible tasks! This is an advent calendar I think I could actually get on board with!


  1. Love the Christmas tree paper chain, that's what I've been calling it. I saw it from another blog and couldn't find it again...yeah I finally found it!! Great job!

  2. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Oh, that IS cute! I have to say, though- unless an advent calendar involves me getting a chocolate a day until Christmas, I am generally not interested.

  3. This is something that I will have to try. Now to get some paper to do it with. hmmmm. :) Thanks for sharing!


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