Monday, December 07, 2009

Baby Stuff: Version 2.0

I was compiling a Baby Stuff list for a pregnant friend and realized I never published this post I'd started writing, um, in August. It's still pretty relevant and I think I'll add a few things.

Here's what we've been loving to help us make Charlie's life as cushy as possible. Seriously, this kid has it so good.

Moby Wrap
: It saves my back from aching when I'm carting around my 18 pound 4-month-old baby 24 pound 8-month-old baby. He loves to face outward and look around and when he's sleepy, I face him towards me and he'll fall right to sleep.

Soothie pacifier: He is not very interested in a binkie ever most of the time, but when the stars magically align and hell freezes over he does take a pacifier, this is the only one for him!

Boudreaux's Butt Paste
: This is the best diaper rash ointment. (Thanks to Mel for the intro!) It's zinc oxide based so it does the job but it isn't greasy or too thick and it smells good! And it doesn't have fish oil in it (like Desitin) so it doesn't stain.

Playtex Nurser
bottles: Charlie is liking these bottles more than the Adiri ones recently. EDIT: After a brief bottle strike, he'll now drink from pretty much any bottle as long as he can hold it himself. He still likes mama the best, though.


  1. Oh my gosh Barb, you make me want to have a baby right now! You have such great knowledge and I don't want to forget any of it by the time I have a baby! That moby wrap looks so comfy. I'm locking that one away in my brain!

  2. Hahaha, I was just trolling around your blog saying to Jon "I just KNOW that Barb has a list of baby gear essentials around here somewhere!!!"-- I had no idea that I already commented on this post. Seriously, I find these lists so helpful. Much better to hear it from you than some list on babycenter (that seems pretty biased if you ask me).


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