Thursday, September 03, 2009


Hello, Dear Reader, I have missed you. I have neglected the poor blog. I will blame it on school starting back up. I am rusty as a student and figuring out balancing schoolwork and classtime with mommyhood is challenging. Consider this post an official I.O.U. for some updates, including but not limited to:

-Charlie, week 22 (with photos and video)
-A gallery visit
-And a report on the Anti-Chub Crusade

But for now, to bed.


  1. I realize I either talk with you or see you most days. I also already know what you post about but I still must stalk and I still wait in anticipation to see what will come next! Can't get enough of that cute boy.

  2. Good luck with it all. I wish you well in your endeavors!


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