Monday, September 21, 2009

Chubby Bunnies

Did you ever play that game, Chubby Bunnies? You stuff your mouth full of marshmallows and try to say "Chubby Bunnies" and whomever can fit the most in her mouth wins. It's a great game for sleepovers or campouts. I have a pretty good track record with this game.

But I digress.

I did not gain a lot of weight during my pregnancy. And I lost the pregnancy weight within a few weeks of birth.

However, being at my pre-pregnancy weight that quickly did not feel like a victory since I was still about 50 lbs overweight. (I like to tell myself that I didn't look that bad, but the scale doesn't lie. The dirty hussy.)

Enter the Anti-Chub Crusade (weapon of choice- Weight Watchers). I am 15 lbs down so far and feeling good. It is nice to fit in clothes I haven't worn in a long time. It is wonderful to hear compliments. But mostly, I am excited about taking better care of myself and becoming healthier.

No more Chubby Bunnies around here.

Well, except for this one.


  1. Way to go Barb! I'm right there with you. Good luck with everything. I've only ever heard good things (as well as successful) about weight watchers.

  2. Way to go! You'll have to keep us updated. Good luck!

  3. and the chubby looks particularly good on him, too.

  4. Barb, you are beautiful! And I think you should feel proud of losing the baby weight already, even if you have more to go. I should know, I wish I had gotten rid of my baby weight already. I still have a long way to go!
    Oh, and my Mom does Weight Watchers. She has struggled with her weight her whole life and it is the only way she has been able to keep some of it off (50 lbs now).
    Good luck with whatever you try--it sure is hard!


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