Monday, April 06, 2009

Charlie's blessing

Charlie and Dad hanging out before everyone arrived. Check out that grip that Baby Che has on his tie!

John and Barb's newborn pictures

Our little family

We blessed Charlie at home yesterday while my dad was still in town from the UAE. It was a special gathering of family, members of the bishopric and President and Sister Grant. We sang one of our family's favorite primary hymns, Love is Spoken Here, and heard testimonies from Grandma Bev, Grandma Sue, John, and me. Then all the priesthood holders gathered in a circle, took little Charlie in their arms, and gave him a name and a blessing. This special tradition of our church is how we officially welcome babies and is similar to an infant christening. Normally it is done at church in front of the congregation, but in special circumstances (like accommodating special family members or in case of illness) babies are blessed elsewhere.

John blessed Charlie and did a beautiful job! It was very touching and even though Charlie wasn't asleep and was a little fussy, he didn't cry!


  1. how special! so, is it like a christian getting baptized? or will he have something more along those lines when he is older?

  2. wow, good job on the nursing, it took us 3 months to even get it, let alone master it. Also, he is such a cutie. I am so happy for you that he is sleeping in four hour chunks already.

  3. Cute little Charlie. I am so happy for you guys.

  4. Crazy, Barbie! I did the same thing. Cohen was only 6 days old when we blessed him (so my parents could be there) and I loved being able to do it at home, it was awesome! Anyway, congrats!

  5. Congratulations to you! Thanks for letting me drop in the other day and letting me hold the little guy. Really he is so handsome and good natured. My mother and I agree that you will be an amazing mother.


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