Monday, April 06, 2009

Charlie- One week old

This is our little guy at one week old. He's already grown so much since then! We spent his first week learning how to breastfeed and now we can say we've mastered it! Since we took this picture (a few days ago) Charlie has also decided to achieve true dream baby status by sleeping in four hour chunks through the night. Mommy and Daddy are super happy about this new development. It means that Daddy won't be a zombie at work and Mommy won't burst into tears at any given moment.


  1. so cute! he is adorable!

  2. Anonymous7:52 PM

    What a cute little muffin! I'm loving Barbie as a mommy, btw. Hang in there with those first few weeks adjusting!

  3. He's so cute, Barb! And already have breast feeding down?!? Wow, you are one lucky woman! :) Glad to hear things are going well.

  4. I'm sorry about the bursting into tears thing. It'll go away soon.

  5. Oh, I remember the bursting in to tears at any and all moments during the first weeks. It really does even out... darn hormones! You seem to be doing so great, and he is just so dang cute.

  6. He is so adorable! I can't wait to be there in just a few weeks. Any pointers??! :)

  7. He is so tiny. They get big so fast... enjoy every second of it! I'm so happy that nursing and sleeping are going so well (I hope they still are). This is totally random and you may not have this problem, but I wish I would've known about this earlier on. If you get "clogged ducts" a lot you can take soy lecethin. It's the best stuff ever!


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