Thursday, October 23, 2008

Produce section

The little cub is about 5 inches long from crown to rump (who says "rump" these days?) The baby tracking websites compare him/her to a sweet potato or a turnip. I am always laughing at the random food analogies- how is that possibly a good indicator of size? Produce can vary wildly in size. Plus, I'm being given produce that I'm not that familiar with- a kumquat? I mean, really, people. I'm still not showing much yet and I'm still wearing my regular clothes. (I don't have a picture to post because my camera is dead and I can't find the charger, but I will post one soon.) BUT the exciting news is that I felt the baby move for the first time this week! I've been paying extra attention to every little twinge to see if I could notice the little one moving around in there but when I finally felt it, it was unmistakable. It really feels like someone is poking me from the inside out!


  1. that live creature poking around inside is a trippy feeling, isn't it? I actually still have occasional nightmares that a baby hand reaches up through my belly and out my mouth. But I probably shouldn't tell you that... ;-)

  2. Hi Barbara! I saw your blog on Catherine's... I'm really so excited that you two are having a baby! Are you going to find out what you're having? Very soon! Tell the Thornton's hello.

  3. Anonymous8:13 PM

    How fun! I remember waiting for that first movement. Precious. And I totally agree about the random fruit thing. I read in one place (can't remember how many weeks I was) where it said the baby was the size of an ipod. Times are a-changin'.

  4. Barb that's awesome!!! :) The fruit thing is weird, it's like the one that says the baby is the size of your hand....who's hand? Some people have tiny hands and others huge!! lol...stil, FUN STUFF!!! :) Hope you are feeling well!

  5. This will tell you how bizarre I am, but when I first felt movement, the only visual (since I go right to visualizing) that came to me was either an eel/fish, or some weird Star Trek alien-thing in my belly.

    I told you... bizarre.

  6. Ahhhh! How fun! I can't wait to hear if a boy or a girl is coming.


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