Sunday, April 06, 2008

Oh my lawsie goodness sakes!

Guess who just won the Pioneer Woman's "Give That Photo a Name Contest?"

Out of 1470 entries, guess who made Ree laugh and giggle?

Guess who she chose to caption a hilarious photo of her dog, Charlie, with his eyes droopin' and tongue a-waggin'?

If you haven't guessed me by now, then you must be asleep at the keyboard! IT'S ME! Not only am I beyond thrilled and honored to have been chosen (she likes me!! And thinks I'm funny!!!!), I've been getting delightful new visitors to my blog all night! And I won a very generous prize to! (Hello new camera... oh, hello Nintendo Wii... oh, the things I could buy!!!)

Most of all, I feel legitimized as a blogger. I have arrived, people! I even got Mr. Computer Scientist next to me on the couch to finally get on creating me my own custom website!! Internetz, here I come!

Here's a picture of my goofy grin! (And yes, that is my bathrobe).


  1. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Congrats for winning Pioneer Womans caption. I live in NZ so it was closed by the time I logged, otherwise I would have!! (hee hee - not really - i'm hopeless at captions!!) Well done you :)

    Just read your blog and really enjoyed it - I think I'll pop it on my google reader. I like your humour - matches mine I think!

    Robyn in NZ

  2. Anonymous5:40 AM


  3. Congrats! I love her photo contests and love to see who wins! Very fun and creative...I definitely need to step up my game!

    Who are you campaigning for now? I don't think I picked up on that, but it is 5:30am where I am at.

    Enjoyed your blog!

  4. Congrats...revel in your two minutes of fame! You deserve it.

  5. great caption by the way...I just got the play on the Duke of Hazzard.

    Man, I soooo wanted that $400!

  6. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Congratulations on the win. Go for the Wii - you'll love it!

  7. Congrats! The only time I come up with a good photo title someone else already used it... I hadn't thought of yours though and I love it!

  8. congrats, barb!!

  9. Wow...I know you are excited PW chose you! I would be...even if there wasn't a prize!

    She's something else isn't she?

    I'm so new at this blogging thing and sometimes feel like I'm in a cave LOL

    I don't even know what Wii is!!
    Heading to Google :)

  10. congrats that is so exciting!

  11. I've already said it once, but it deserves saying AGAIN! CONGRATS! I'm soooo jealous. You had a really funny entry though and deserved to win (even though I hate you right now!) I was imagining all the things I could do with that yummy Amazon gift certificate...oh the fun!!

  12. Hi! Congrats to winning the money! I loved your entry, glad you won. Your blog is cute, and as a never-ending student myself, I think we kinda connect. :) And I love eating at IKEA, too.

  13. Woo wooooo! Congratulations! Winning contests is probably the best feeling ever (the one that I have won) its awesome. I could have told you that you were funny and clever, and I'm glad people recognize it! Carry on.

  14. wow, that is so cool. i love the pioneer woman- but have never entered one of her contests; congratulations and it's nice to meet you. you have a lovely blog!

  15. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Congrats !! I like your blog too... Now I have another to read ! Doris

  16. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Hey Barb, congratulations! That's such a perfect title.

  17. i hope you are ready for paul to come looking for some royalties off that bounty. Back in his college days he had a short lived mock-country band called "Hank Cash and the Dukes of Haggard" I don't know for sure if he got a trademark on the name...but i think you are probably safe. Congrats, court and i wil be inviting ourselves over to enjoy the wii any day now!

  18. Anonymous9:03 PM

    You totally deserved it! VERY clever :)

  19. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Yay hooray Barbie! Glad others are catching on to how fabulous (and funny) you are!

  20. Holy crap Barb!!! That is a big deal! Good work!

  21. Look at you now! Over twenty comments. I remember when I got 13 comments on my blog once. That made me feel good :)

    Love you Barb!

  22. Well, I must have my head in a nest because I sure didn't realize that was you who won! You had the perfect title! Nice work!


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